Where did they all go??

Hey guys! I'm Allie.

I've been on MFP 888 days. Otherwise known as 2 years, 5 months, 4 days. In the beginning I had a ton of friends, my motivation was high, weight loss life was awesome. It continued like that for about two years, but the last five months I've been more silent, and gained back about 40lbs of the 100lbs I lost. Graduating, finishing my dissertation, being in a new relationship and recovering from surgery kinda got to my day-to-day commitment. I've been back at it the last month (doing pretty well), but I'm realizing that a lot of my friends have gone silent, quit, or reached goal weight. I've always found the social aspect of MFP to be essential. It has always helped keep me on track!!

So! If you need a new encouraging friend, come say hi! Anyone who's had a relapse is especially welcome since that's where I am in my weight loss journey. I'm also trying to shed some of this re-gained weight in order to be beach ready in June when the boy and I have a vacation planned!


  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Congrats on finishing your dissertation! And for losing the weight. I've noticed that the "like" button has seriously cut down on responses and posts from my friends. Just my observation. I've been here since Jan 2012 I think, off and on, and have lost 40 lbs, only to gain much of it back. I thought I could not track cals, plus I quit my job and moved the whole family across country to follow my hubs job. Life got in the way I guess. I'm not an exerciser lover and I binge, so I'm screwed if I don't micromanage (track) my food
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Allie. I'm 50 ish and have been trying to work my way down the food chain as is were. I too got derailed by life and so on.... so I too am back hoping to reconnect. I doubt we have much in common but I wanted you to know your post was inspiring to me. You have accomplished aLOT and you should be nothing but proud of you. A million people will to be your new friends. I know everything you set your mind to is going to be a success. Don't feel bad. Life is about priorities and balance. It ain't easy. As I said I am 50 ish so I know. But you are a strong successful women. That I can tell.
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Mad dog I tried to gove you like awesome and inspiring but it made me pick one.... rats.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Hi, I'm an Allie too (with two Ls, very important!) I'm back to mfp after a break and really trying to get back on track.
    Congrats on your dissertation, you must feel great relief now it's finished. Feel free to add me for support.