Hello :)

My name is Meggie.... 29, skinny-fat, binge eater...just trying to make some positive changes in my life.


  • omakase619
    omakase619 Posts: 226 Member
    Good luck.
    GRENADIER_PINGPONG Posts: 4 Member
    I love the skinny people! I can relate. I was skinny my whole life and people used to make fun of me. Then I turned 35yrs old. Now I'm fat! My metabolism is like a passive aggressive wife!
    Now I'm experiencing cutting my diet for the first time ever. It's hard to go from a 4600 calorie daily to a 1500! This app has been a game changer for me!
    Keep up the good habits!
  • blondehag
    blondehag Posts: 18 Member
    omg my issue is just that..b/c i have hashimoto disease my thyroid was over working until it died so i was naturally able to eat 4600 and still be a waif...but now that i'm hypo i'm gaining!!! time to use this to keep track.