New to MyFitnessPal

jacobmherl Posts: 10 Member
edited March 2017 in Introduce Yourself
So, I've never been a fan of counting calories. I've always thought the quality of the food counted more. That would be all well and good if I only ate organic food, but I don't. I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app on my phone to track my calories. It asked for height, weight, goal weight, and rate I wanted to lose. I filled it all in and started putting in what I'm eating (just started last Thursday) and trying to stay around/under it's suggested calorie intake. It's really eye-opening to look at numbers for how much I eat. I think it will help me a lot with trying to stay on track. Food has always been a problem for me. While I was messing around in the app for the first couple of days I was looking up some of the most common foods that I eat, and it was eye-opening to say the least. I guess I had always known in the back of my mind how much I was eating, but I never admitted or acknowledged it to myself. I found that on MANY meals I was eating more than my daily suggested calorie intake in a single meal, often times on more than one meal in a day. Since using this app and tracking everything I eat, I have been under the suggested caloric intake every day and will try to do so every day.

This doesn't even scratch the surface of my issues with food, but if anyone else is in the same boat (or not, as long as you're supportive I don't care) then feel free to add me and we can support each other along the way. We all need a pep talk every now and then.