For anyone who has lost weight and gained, back and forth more than once



  • fairyli
    fairyli Posts: 1 Member
    I needed to see this post this morning. I made a commitment to myself this morning that I am stopping the crazy eating this NOW and not putting back on the 20 lbs I lost over the past 6 months (of which I have gained back 8 lbs of) It stops now. I have been up and down from 145 lb to 180 lbs over my lifetime (61 yrs old). About 7 yrs ago I let my weight creep up to 180 after being a single mom and working two jobs for 8 yrs, and then found this site and started to move again, running & hiking. Lost 50 lbs plus, got down to 122 lbs at age 56, which was less than I weighed at age 14. 135 is probably a better weight for me... but I got into a relationship (like many of you) let my focus be on another and gained back to 170. Broke up with that person and got my life back, and lost back to 148 this past fall... now sitting here at 156 and trying to STOP before I go back up. Thank you all for sharing, I feel like I am "not alone" which I always feel when I come to MFP, please add me as a friend and I will contact some of you too..

    I'm with you i lost about 150 pounds and kept it off for about 3 years then this year i switched jobs and in 9 months i have gained back roughly 22 pounds... i keep trying but somehow it seems soo much harder the second time around.. this morning i promised myself i would start today.
  • hodan92
    hodan92 Posts: 4 Member
    story of my life, i was 106kg my heaviest
    Fast forward two years of hard work and dedication, i was at 65kg
    Then fast forward to about 6 months ago and i was as 85kg and thought I should make a change but this time a healthier one, one that'sfocused on more than just loosing weight. I'm currently weighing in at 74kg- which is nowhere near my 60kg goal but here's hoping it stays off this time
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    I'm right there with you!!

    Started at 215, 6 months in I made it down to 158
    Gained back to 170, lost 5 pounds then gave up
    Gained a to during my pregnancy and was up to 246!
    Got down to 212 with breastfeeding and a good diet
    ... few years passed and I was at my highest weight- 278 ☹️ I seriously couldn't even think except what have I done to my body!!

    I'm sitting at 202, took me 2 years to get here from 278, difference this time is I'm not going crazy and realizing it "has to be a lifestyle change" and losing slow and steady means I will keep the weight off.

    I think just learning from your mistakes and tweaking your diet and exercise routine to REALISTIC expectations is what makes it work this time! Yes it sucks realizing we've wasted years dieting and gaining it back for nothing, but I try to think of the alternative.. if I'm not happy then I certainly won't be 10 years from now and surely would become even larger than then!! You're still down from 300, that's amazing! Keep at it and don't even think about the past, you can't change it! Best of luck to you!