Fitbit Peeve

I've been working my way through the C25K programme and using the 'new' GPS function on my newish Charge 2. I was liking the ease of tracking distance etc and while it maps the route out correctly I just mapped the same route out on May My Run and discovered I've actually been running almost a km less than Fitbit was telling me! Its obviously not calculating distance from the GPS! I'm pretty confident that the staps are correct as I can compare with other step trackers but had thought I was doing much better in terms of pace and distance than I actually am!


  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    edited March 2017
    Both of those devices use cellular-based GPS tracking based on you phone which isn't always as accurate, especially for walking/running. I know when I used Map My Run it could be off by a half mile or more on the exact same route, especially if the cellular service in the area I was running was poor.

    I ended up switching to a device that has it's own integrated GPS, because I often ran in areas where my provider had poor cellular coverage (and I wanted better pacing, which cell GPS is basically worthless for).
  • SR1986
    SR1986 Posts: 92 Member
    Can someone tell me how the fitbit works with this app? I got my fitbit today and I'm not quite sure how it works on here. Is the food logged and exercises supposed to transfer to the fitbit app? So confusing!