Getting back into the groove + skinny boyfriends..



  • skscroggins87
    skscroggins87 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your pain! My boyfriend is 5'10",155 pounds, and naturally fit and athletic without even trying. We live together, and most evenings before bed he'll eat an entire box of macaroni and cheese while watching TV, and he prides himself on how much crappy food he can eat. Naturally, I thought that when I started trying to eat better and exercise, he (not intentionally) would make it very difficult by wanting to eat Taco Bell all the time, but he's actually been really amazing and supportive, and has been super proud of me whenever I've met a goal. At the beginning, though, I had to be really serious about it and turn down a lot of unhealthy options. We both like to cook, and to combat the unhealthy (but delicious) stuff he would make (like pierogies with bacon in heavy cream sauce) I started finding recipes on that we can eat together. Every recipe I've tried from there has been delicious, and you can't tell that they're all under 500 calories. I make extra so that he can eat more if he wants to, and he hasn't complained about having to eat "diet food" at all. And he still eats junk food, I just stay as far away from it as possible. Which works out for both of us, lol, more for him!

    Your BF sounds like a great guy, and you don't need to change how he eats for you to reach your goals. Just stick to your guns, and once he sees you looking and feeling better, he'll see what a positive change it is making in your life, and hopefully be with you along the way. It does take willpower not to snack off of his plate of fatty food, but weight loss is all about willpower.
  • savgar32
    savgar32 Posts: 23 Member
    Girl, I feel you! My bf is 5'6 + 140 pounds and he's trying to GAIN weight. We've been together a little over 2 1/2 years and in that time I gained 30-40 pounds (tippin the scales at 277 at my highest weight UGH). He's been absolutely supportive since I decided to lose weight.. but old habits die hard! He loves taking me out to eat for some reason lol that's something we used to do a lot (hence the 277). He doesn't like to see me hungry and if I have a craving for somethin he'll make sure I get it. I just have to remind him that I can't eat the way he does :c and instead of spending money at a restaurant we can save and afford to buy more veggies and all that healthy stuff. Plus, there's a park by our house that has an outdoor "weight lifting station" so 4-5 days a week we go there so I can jog and he can pump iron. Your man doesn't have to change his diet but he should be kind enough to tone it down when you're around. Talk to him and remind him what your goals for yourself are and explain some of the things he can do to be a better support system for you! And ask him to exercise with you too! There's no doubt you can do it on your own, but it sounds like you have a guy who cares about you and there is nothin wrong with asking for help. Best of luck :smile:
  • scotvalkyrie
    scotvalkyrie Posts: 22 Member
    I'm guessing that both of you are pretty young, because I know my hubby pretty much ate like your fella when he was younger. But don't despair! He will probably wake up when he's in his mid-30's and all that greasy food will catch up to him and he'll have a Buddha belly! Then who will be laughing? You! XD
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I can share from my perspective and hopefully it will be of some use to you.

    I'm a tall, skinny guy, and my girlfriend is trying to lose weight. I used to not care much about nutrition or fitness because I basically ate what I wanted and never gained weight. There was never that moment when I looked in the mirror and said, "Man, I'm getting fat. I have to start eating right and go to the gym."

    How I started going to the gym was out of support for my girlfriend. She wanted to go and was a little afraid to go by herself. So I agreed to go, and I also knew that it would be a good thing for me to start doing because I hardly got any exercise. At some point, she discovered myfitnesspal and I thought it was cool and wanted to encourage her, so I wanted to try using it too.

    Even though our weight and fitness goals are very different, the act of being conscious of what I eat and committing to spending time with her at the gym has been my act of support. And through that, I discovered new interests and goals that I wouldn't have had without her. Now I am adding muscle to my skinny frame. It turns out that getting your calories and nutrition right is very important for trying to do that.

    I know I probably won't be able to completely understand her struggle, but having goals of my own and being disciplined toward achieving them has been an encouragement to her.

    Open up and share your struggle with him. If he is good, he will listen and do whatever he can to support you.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Use that icky feeling you get when you think about being overweight with a skinny guy, and change it! Make that icky feeling go away by being the skinny girl with the skinny guy. I know it's not that easy, but I've been in your position and it definitely does a number on the old self esteem. Now that I am at a normal weight and in okay shape, I never have to deal with that feeling anymore and it's SO worth it. It will take time to get there, but time will pass anyway! Give it 100% every single day.

    Like other posters said, you're going to have to be the one to exercise self control when he's eating pizza/wings etc. He needs the calories haha! We don't want him floating away like a feather, especially since he sounds like a really great guy. ;) You do you, even if it means eating different meals and working out by yourself or with other friends. Your relationship won't suffer if he's invested in you and truly supports you.

    My boyfriend met me at 155lbs. I got as high as 175lbs, and now I'm 140lbs and he's loved me at any and all weight. Sounds like your guy does too, so don't think any less of yourself. I know the feeling is still there, but that's how you are making yourself feel, not how he's making you feel. You can change that. Good luck hun!