How do you set your weight goal?



  • pztodd
    pztodd Posts: 102 Member
    Like a lot of people here I started with mini goals. I started at 212 lbs. First goal was to get to onderland :)
    Now that I'm there my next goal is 12 stone or 168 lbs. I'm currently at 175 so well on the way there.
    My next goal after that will be 11 stone or 154 lbs. I can't see myself getting below 154 lbs - the last time I weighed that little was probably as a teenager so I don't know if that weight will work for me. But I'll see once I get there :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Simply aimed for my favourite adult weight.
    Reassessed after a while maintaining. Hmmmm - a bit chubby, not as much muscle as I had thirty years ago.

    Dropped another 4lbs. Maintained a while.
    Dropped another 3lbs, mainly to help my cycling. That just sneaked me into top of BMI range. Maintained a while.

    Couple of years later dropped another four pounds - cycling getting more serious.
    Took off another 3lbs a few months later ahead of a big cycling event but thought I was looking a bit scrawny so let my weight slowly drift up again.

    Couple of years later revised maintenance weight up having added some muscle and lost some fat (recomp) - it was also becoming a bit too much of a struggle to stay light.
    Now sitting at the mid point between my original goal and my lightest. My current happy weight.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited March 2017
    I picked the high end of my healthy BMI, Although at first it was in 10-20 pound rotations before i realized i got this and felt okay setting a proper goal. Puts me at 135-140 im currently 145-150 :D Im close and dont feel there yet so im guessing ill settle at 125-130 Because im short but curvy and dont want to lose TO much in places i prefer to keep :p
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Here's a sad fact: I've lost almost an inch of height since I was 20. If you use the standard BMI formula, I should then weigh 5lbs less for the same BMI.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I arbitrarily chose the middle of the healthy BMI for a male of my height. I'm not there yet but it seems achievable.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I let my ideal weight range pick me. I didn't know how I would look or feel at a particular weight.

    However, I did have an ideal dress size/measurement range I would have loved to be in.

    So I kept going until I was satisfied with my body (no back fat/love handles/thighs not rubbing together...things like that).

    Then it took me a couple years of maintenance to reach my dream body (tighten up/lean out a little more/gain confidence with my new body etc.)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I let my ideal weight range pick me.

    I think this is an awesome concept. I'm going to go by how I feel as I keep training for triathlon season.

  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    BeChill73 wrote: »
    I picked a spot in the middle of my BMI ideal range.

    This is exactly what I did.

    I've never been that small as an adult so I'm not sure where I will end up. I'm not married to that goal at all.