Sad and feeling hopless

Well here's my story. I'm currently at 214lbs. I used this site once and lost nearly 40lbs. I was very proud of myself. I was feeling so good that I decided to quit smoking. Then I gained all my weight back plus 7 pounds ( I couldn't control my friggen eating). Now, I'm so sad. I tried using this site again and I've had no success. I used it straight and loyalty for 2 weeks straight. I didn't even lose 1 pound. What is wrong this time? I'm not expecting a huge loss, but something would have been good. What can I do? I'm feeling so discouraged.


  • danie1030
    danie1030 Posts: 8
    the number one thing that I have learned is that stress kills. ive gained loads of weight by stress. I literally saged my house. it worked. my mom quit smoking and she said the same thing. she gained all of her weight back. the thing is, is that the mouth needs to be busy, if you were a smoker. it was used to it. that's were compulsive snacking comes in. and if you snack, which everyone does, do veggies. that's the best snack. and always be moving! im going to add you. you got this hun!!!!!!
  • Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm going to try again today. I'll give myself one month before I weight in. Hopefully, if I see the scale move that will give me the drive to continue. Snacks, veggies are a great idea- I will log everything I eat. Thanks for adding me.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Quitting smoking is TOUGH! It took me over a year to quit for good, and yes, I gained weight during that time.

    Are you accurately logging all your foods and exercise? If not, then do it. Also, I suggest making your diary public. I only recently did that, and I did it so I would be held accountable.

    Then, perhaps you can set an eating schedule for yourself. Maybe it's only three meals a day, perhaps four. But decide you will only eat at those times. Hint, to do this well, you'll probably have to plan all your meals in advance, and eat them slowly. It seems to me that will give you some hand to mouth discipline, which is why I suggested a schedule.

    This is only a suggestion, since you'll just have to keep at it to see what works for you. But please keep at it! You can certainly do this.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've said you've been using the site loyally for 2 weeks but what exactly does that mean?

    Have you reset your goals to the weight you're at now? A goal of 1 or 1.5 pounds a week may be more reasonable for you now whereas the 2 pound per week goal was more doable when your first joined. Also, is your activity level correct? Maybe you used to be more sedentary but now you may actually be lightly active? When you log execise, are you eating back your calories? Are you drinking all your water? Are you meeting your daily calorie goal or going way over or way under regularly?

    As someone else asked, are you weighing/measuring your food? Did you start working out more at the same time you rejoined the site? Water weight from increasing activity can stall weight loss. That doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise - activity is excellent for healthy and weight loss - but just know that may be why.

    Making your diary public would help us give you more concrete advice.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Well here's my story. I'm currently at 214lbs. I used this site once and lost nearly 40lbs. I was very proud of myself. I was feeling so good that I decided to quit smoking. Then I gained all my weight back plus 7 pounds ( I couldn't control my friggen eating). Now, I'm so sad. I tried using this site again and I've had no success. I used it straight and loyalty for 2 weeks straight. I didn't even lose 1 pound. What is wrong this time? I'm not expecting a huge loss, but something would have been good. What can I do? I'm feeling so discouraged.

    You have got to start thinking possitive ... I wish I weighed 214 .

    I started at 270, I was probably a little more since it was 3 weeks after I weighed myself that I finally started eating healthier and exercising.

    I was always tired , very unmotivated and it felt like an unsurmountable goal to lose 120 lbs .... here I am 7 weeks later and I keep kicking myself for not starting sooner.

    Do some self talk ...I will stop ____________ on this day
    I will do ________________ exercise .every day . ( even 15 minutes ) say it out loud it helps ... you can do this

    Once again I can't wait till I get to 214 I will litterally be telling every one I see, hey , I weigh 214! lol

    Be a chearleader for yourself ! you can do this
