Looking for ideas

avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
Bought some frozen riced cauliflower and broccoli . What do you add to yours?


  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    A little bit of soy sauce goes a long way! I sometimes add in tuna and make a lettuce wrap or sandwich out it.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    Onions, tomatoes, courgette, ground cumin, ginger and garlic - and use it to stuff bell peppers. It's a variation of this: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2901662/cauliflower-stuffed-peppers but I used a spritz of one-cal oil instead of ghee and I also included courgette as I happened to have half of one left in my fridge. I served it with a baked fish fillet one day and a grilled chicken breast the next day...and will certainly make it again.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I make fried rice cauliflower ... cauliflower tots.... Pesto cauliflower ....I melt cheese to put over broccoli or I make a teriyaki tofu with broccoli