Why now?



  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    My doctor encouraged me to lose just 20 lbs before knee surgery. I ended up losing over 100 by the time I got on the table. Now I like being the smallest I have been as an adult and I like my wardrobe and I like being able to shop anywhere for clothes and I like not worrying about fitting into a seat and I like feeling better. If I have to be as old as I am, then I want to look good!
  • JoJosAnatomymfp
    JoJosAnatomymfp Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone. We are all on the same journey, but for different reasons. It's nice to get a better understanding of the various different why's. Best of luck to all of you. To those who have reached goal. You smashed it. Well done
  • CandehMandeh
    CandehMandeh Posts: 66 Member
    Right now? Just to re-lose some stress pounds that I've gained in the past few months and to fit into new jeans that I recently bought. When I first started to lose weight 3 years ago, it was just because I hated feeling so big, I looked at myself and I was honest..."I'm not happy being this big." 3 years ago I was roughly 210//211 pounds, now I'm at 154//155...I recently gained about 8/9 pounds since September/October. I hope to be 135 before or during Summer.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited March 2017
    "Now" was December 2014.

    Why then was because we were finally settled after several years of moving, travelling and being quite unsettled.

    Being settled meant I had time to focus on losing the weight I'd gained during the unsettled years and to start training for my cycling events again.

    I lost the weight in two sets of 16 weeks each in 2015 and got back into long distance cycling in 2016. :)
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am sick of being sick, high bp, pcos etc I want my two girls to learn healthy food relationships. I had a bad break up recently and focusing on me is helping the grieving process.
  • daddyspuddin
    daddyspuddin Posts: 5 Member
    Back surgery leading to terrible back pain and losing weight will help take the pressure off. Nothing better to get you serious than a health issue! Though I wish I started before it got to this point lol
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Several things at once:

    - doctor threatened to change my contraceptive pill and I'm used to this one, but shouldn't be on it if I'm obese and over 35
    - an expensive life insurance quote because of being obese
    - I injured my knee and realised how much more easily it would heal with less weight on it

    All these, plus the fact that when I started logging again I realised I am actually happier when I log my food than when I don't, and hopefully I'll be able to make a go of it this time. I lost a stone and a half before and foolishly thought I could keep it off without counting. I wasn't ready.
  • RUNucbar
    RUNucbar Posts: 160 Member
    Because I moved away from home. Seriously though, I cannot count calories around my dad even with an overweight BMI (160lbs at 5'2") as he thinks I will become dangously obsessed and counting "isn't healthy." Once living on my own, I was able to take control.
  • charlenekemp07
    charlenekemp07 Posts: 36 Member
    Because I discovered mfp and it's amazing!! Losing weight has never seem easier. It encourages me to exercise as well, I love seeing my results and being able to share my accomplishments. I wish I had this before.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I got tired of listening to my own excuses and of the silly short sighted weight loss attempts I kept making. Im living out of the country for a year and not working so I have more time then ever before so I decided I wasn't going to waste this year. I was gonna make it count. Im down the first 32 lbs and have another 40 to go but I'm on my way at least!
  • JoJosAnatomymfp
    JoJosAnatomymfp Posts: 178 Member