Any vegans on a weight loss journey?

I'm a recent vegan not for health reasons but for animals welfare and I'm looking for other vegans who are going through a weight loss journey like me so we can help each other Along.

I'm 23 and from London uk I've came from a UK size 22 and now down to a 14-16. I'm not finished yet!


  • CBD92
    CBD92 Posts: 72 Member
    Hello. I am vegetarian who does eat eggs, and very little dairy. Feel free to add me! I've been vegetarian for 4 years now and am slowly making a full transition to dairy free. I have studied nutritional advisory and done extensive research on vegan/vegetarian diets as I want to make sure I am not lacking in a single nutrient (because protein isn't the only thing we get from meat!)

    Feel free to add me/message me etc :)
  • thestanmt
    thestanmt Posts: 1 Member
    I am mostly vegan. I have not eaten meat for almost 10 years. I am trying to gain weight, though, but if you need any cooking tips I have made a lot of various vegan food over the past ten years!
  • caroluclive
    caroluclive Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Lucystirling...I am also a vegan, and like you it is for moral reasons. I am looking to lose the stone I put on over the Christmas period. Dieting for me is challenging as I have an underactive thyroid which means I put on weight very easily!! I am also disabled and so struggle sometimes to get the exercise I need. I would love to swap any vegan recipes you might have that are low calorie!