Not losing weight with Insanity?

Hello all! I am in Week 2 of Insanity and can certainly feel my body getting stronger. The workouts are really tough, I am by no means in good shape. It is definitely a struggle sometimes to get through them but I still feel like I am giving it my all and am getting a really good work out in. However, I weighed myself this morning and the scale didn't budge... not even .1 of a pound! I was really thinking I was going to see at least a pound... but nothing. I am certainly not going to give up on the program because I really do enjoy the workouts, but I don't understand how it is mathematically possible that I didn't lose anything. I am eating around 1500 calories a day so I should have a large enough calorie deficit to be losing weight. Has anyone experienced this? Is my body just not used to such intense workouts? Any advice on what I should change or should I just be patient? I'm thinking maybe I'm not eating enough? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You've been eating 1500 calories a day and working out for less than 2 weeks? Give it more time, your body is acclimating.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    ^^This, it's been two weeks.

    Your body needs to adjust, and is probably retaining water for repair.
  • Thanks for the replies. I'll just keep at it and hope for the best :) Does anyone think I should up my calories since the workouts are much more intense than I'm used to? Or should I stick with 1500 and see what happens?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I'll just keep at it and hope for the best :) Does anyone think I should up my calories since the workouts are much more intense than I'm used to? Or should I stick with 1500 and see what happens?

    Hard to say....

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  • lovetotravel04
    lovetotravel04 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know if this helps but my husband and I did a similar program (Tony Horton) and got stronger but didn't lose much weight. I have spent many hours at the gym and saw some losses but not the major losses I thought for SURE I'd see. All this was probably due to muscle-building. But me, being so cognizant of my weight, would get discouraged.

    So, I now exercise regularly, lift weights, etcetera, but I don't go too crazy with it. To me, the main thing is focusing on the FOOD to lose weight, not the EXERCISE. I read somewhere last year that most of the weight loss focus should be on the food we eat (and the kind of food we eat) vs. over-focusing on exercise. I always got disappointed and discouraged with the weight loss aspect when it came to that. To me, the exercise is to keep me strong, healthy and happy. I'm sure others have different opinions and that's ok too. You have to do what you think is good for your body and health. No matter what, it's good to exercise and be strong! :)
  • I'm in my last 2 weeks of INSANITY and I haven't lost much weight at all - maybe a few pounds - however, my body weight has totally shifted. My clothes fit so much better, and my shoulders/chest are so much more fit - I feel way more confident in everything. My stomach is so much slimmer, and my abs are starting to make their debut appearance. LOL

    But Insanity isn't a weight loss program, it's a total body conditioning program... but if you stick with it everyday and eat proper nutrition with ENOUGH calories, you WILL see results - regardless of what the scale says.

    Don't pay attention to the scale! Just keep at it and push play!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I would suggest you give it more time, but more so make sure you're weighing yourself properly.

    If you can manage it, take your weight daily, and use only the 7-Day low. Simply eating or drinking water can artificially up your weight temporarily. If this will make you obsessed with the scale, nevermind. Keep a healthy head.
  • gracie076
    gracie076 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, give it more time....Did you take your measurements? You might lose inches first. check your measurements now and when you completed the program. You will be amazed on how many inches you have lost. (and pounds!) Good luck!
  • msunat97
    msunat97 Posts: 511 Member
    Focus on the diet. I did 6 weeks of Insanity & got in better cardio shape, but I never changed my diet. I didn't see any weight loss b/c I ate crap. Focus on the diet plan in Insanity & adapt it for your tastes.
  • I'm on day 9 of Insanity..And I am definitely out of shape-I'm starting at 200lbs. I did my week 1 weigh in today and I still weigh the same-which had me a tad dissappointed. However, I feel so much better..sleeping better, feeling more energized. So I've decided not to weigh myself (easier said than done) until I'm finished. I did take my measurements so I'll keep track of my progress that way. According to my HRM I'm burning about 430-500 calories per workout so I'm eating about 1800 calories a day.
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Many people don't lose anything until recovery week or Phase 2. It was the same in my case. I got stronger, I saw a difference in the mirror, I lost inches but the scale didn't move. After a month I lost 2lbs and then 2 more. That's it. And still everybody around me commented on how much slimmer I look. It's not just about pounds. Relax, make sure you get enough rest (sleep is very important), drink enough, make sure you don't over/undereat and enjoy the process :)
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! Definitely going to keep going and try not to get hung up on the number!