Feel the burn? Jalapeno jelly legs!

If I've done a really good workout, for a few hours afterwards my legs feel like they're made from jalapeño jelly. Tingly and slightly wobbly !

I'm a geek at heart, so can one of you clever peeps provide me with a technical explanation of what the heck my muscles are up to?

Is it lactic acid? Or are my muscles still burning calories? Or is it summat to do with that mysterious stuff glycogen?

All sensible explanations welcome :happy: Dumb opinions will likely be ignored and will come back as mosquitoes in another life to bite you in the a** :grumble:


  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I believe its the acid your muscles produce when they are being worked. Also when you work out your muscles *tear" and then re-heal and thats what builds the muscle. Kinda crazy huh