This is my second time and I can admit I need help and support if I'm gonna do this. So please add m

Hi my name is Dee and I need people I can motivate and can do the same for me. I need to lose at least 80 pounds and start feeling good about myself again. Because all I see right now is one big fat blob. I lost 12 pounds the last time I was here and of course gained it back. So if you are,feeling like,I am..please add me...let's get our weight down together.


  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member I have a 30 Day motivation group that starts tomorrow if you'd like to take a look <3
  • rhaja23
    rhaja23 Posts: 14 Member
  • shawneelaraye
    shawneelaraye Posts: 30 Member
    I feel like for me the only time it clicked is when I saw the bigger picture about why I needed to lose the weight. I finally discovered the reason I needed to lose weight wasn't for ny husband or my son or my family or my appearance. It is for my health. I don't want to get a horrible disease that diminishes my quality of life and eating unhealthily and having extra weight greatly increases the chances of that.

    That is the reason I remind myself of why I do what I do everyday to drop the pounds. I want to live a long, happy, and healthy life. And the way I was going before was not going to get me there.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 398 Member
    Hey i also need motivation. We can be fit buddies
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Dee, I've been here since January 2016 and have lost 96 lb by taking full advantage of the community brain of this site. Don't attempt this alone. Read the sticky messages at the various discussion Homes. Pay attention to the experienced and wise participants. There's good advice here, heed it.
  • mrarmaan
    mrarmaan Posts: 390 Member
    Dont scare to ask for support
    Forgive yourself and move