Looking for 40 something friends that workout at home

beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
Looking for a little support mainly friends 40 something that share common goals. I do most workouts at home and have 10 more pounds to lose. I am 45 and trying to finally meet my goal weight. Every time I get close I fall short. HELP! :sad:


  • jennifert40
    jennifert40 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 41 and work out at home most of the time. I do have a gym membership, but when the weather is nice I prefer to run outside. I also like to catch a class there every now and then or swim. I'm about halfway to my weight goal and have about 15 pounds or so more to go. Feel free to send me a request.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks Jenn..I sent a request.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I'm 42 and work out only at home. I mainly walk, hike and bike ride with some light weights and toning exercises thrown in for good measure. I have lost close to 70 pounds already and have another 50 to go before I hit goal. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • EvilFeevil
    EvilFeevil Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 and work out either by walking in my neighborhood or the park (and the very rare bike ride) but I've recently given that up for Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred because I want results and I prefer working out indoors. I have another 20 lbs to go (or until I lose the rest of this muffin top) and it definitely gets tougher the lower we get, doesn't it? Add me if you want. :-)
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning, I am 48 and work out at home and the gym. I still have a ways to go, I am looking for supportive friends as well. feel free to add me if you like. Have a great day!!
  • MelissaH0910
    MelissaH0910 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 43, also with about 10 lbs to lose, and I only work out at home. I do strength training in my basement, and I walk/jog/hike/bike on the trails through our property. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :smile:
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    I am 46 with 10 - 12 pounds to go. I work out at home using exercise DVDs. I sent you a request.
  • jnninn
    jnninn Posts: 34
    Im 46, with a lot of weight to go. I only workout at home. I am currently doing T25 and some nights I take 2 mile or so walks. I will send you a request.
  • sdwight
    sdwight Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I am Sad and I share your concerns. I work out at home as well. I found tha I prepare my meals a head of time that way I already know what I am going to eat, that way I don't have to decide at the last minute on what to eat. Hope this helps I have a question for you. I did some strength training and it stll shows a zero for execise.:smile:
  • bucksterboo
    bucksterboo Posts: 32 Member
    I am 47. I workout at home using an elliptical and Gazelle. I also spend a lot of time biking outdoors. I also have a stationary bike that I use if the weather is bad and I can't get outside. I have two daughters in their 20's making me an empty nester. I joined MFP in March, when I realized I need a support system.I love being an active member of MFP, and support my friends, hoping my friends will show support in return. I have lost around 60 pounds since last year. I have 11 pounds yet to lose until I reach my first goal. Anyone can add me. I could use some more friends!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Turning 45 this year.

    I workout at home 6 days a week.

    Feel free to add me.

  • itsscottwilder
    I'm 41 and workout at home.

    July is my first month of getting fit.

    Mostly walking the neighborhood.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 41 and do all my workouts at home (and laps in the back yard!). I just started, so I have a long way to go, but I'm sick of being jiggly and fat. Learning how to cook and eat, as well as get in shape (well, a less round shape, at least). Feel free to add me, the more we all have friends to support and to support us, the better off we are, right?
  • KimBeron
    KimBeron Posts: 50 Member
    43 and 10lbs to go but really feeling like its a struggle, I'm scared I have come too far to quit!
  • KimBeron
    KimBeron Posts: 50 Member
    By the way workout at home Jillian DVD and just bought Hip Hop Abs!
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    message sent.. 40 .. and around 10-15 to go
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm on the home stretch with the last 10 too, have a little home gym and trying to get into DVDs. So close I can taste it, but I know I'm going to have to earn every ounce! Add me if yo like.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm 48 and do homemade workouts with stuff I build myself :)
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 45 and joined MFP a year ago when it turned out I couldn't run any more due to degenerative hamstring tendonitis. I have recently discovered circuit training and do that at home or during the lunch break at work. I also have 4-5kg (10 pounds) to go... And could always need more friends for mutual support. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm 45. I only work out at home. I would like to lose about 10-15 more pounds.