Adding weights to calorie burn...

danetta34 Posts: 2 Member
Good Morning! I began with a brisk one mile walk workout last week and two on Saturday. Is there anyone that can tell me how to measure using 3lb weights during my walk? I use my Apple Watch to log my calories which I absolutely love but I don't really know how to include my stretch training calories burned. Can anyone help me? I've been logging into MyFitnessPal for over a year and just noticed this community blog. Oh my!!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The calorie burn difference is going to be minimal. An example is Leslie Sansone Walk At Home w/ "booster"....these are weights or a resistance band. Here's a blurb....about 25 added calories per mile:

    A weighted vest would be safer than dumbbells. That would distribute the weight more evenly (without placing strain on joints). Actual strength training is very controlled movements and form is very important. 3 pounds & strength training......not really. This is more along the lines endurance training.

  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah 3lb probably won't have much impact on cal burned. And a vest is pretty bad for your back/knees.

    Just go with them, and after the walk if you lift log that separate. Weight training though generally moves into heavier weights with the intention of gains (or muscle retention when on a calorie defecit) you won't see those numbers with small weights during a walk.