Hey ya'll - my name is Alyssa :) I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was 12 and have been struggling with weight since then. I take medicine everyday for my thyroid disorder as well. I was diagnosed with PCOS after suffereing a miscarriage back in August 2011 and my weight has been even more of an issue since then. I am now currently taking Metformin 1000 mg. and ready to kick this weight to the curb! I'm 24 and ready to be in the best shape of my life. I currently have about 120 lbs to lose. Looking for some friends who can help me along this journey, and looking to have other's backs as well :) Motivation is the biggest thing I stuggle with, sometimes its just easier to go take a nap instead of work out..so I need some buddies to help push me along the way :) I'm married to the love of my life, and he is overweight as well, so its time for both of us to get in shape so we can finally start our family -- so add me please! and dont be afraid to tell me how you really feel, its time for me to face reality!



  • I 'm 25 and have also been diagnosed with PCOS and have more than 100+ pounds to lose and decided to get my butt in gear to lose this weight and get my PCOS under control. I will send you a friend invite! :)
  • Hello lovelies! Have just recently been diagnosed with PCOS, at the moment I only have about 30lbs to lose but it would be great to be able to share tips etc with each other about getting it under control :)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006. I am a mother of 3 boys. I am 299 lbs and looking for lose over 150 lbs. I would love some accountability buddies! Feel free to add me people!
  • lyssAb2007
    lyssAb2007 Posts: 12
    Thank you so much!
  • Hi, I have pcos too and trying to conceive at the moment on clomid. I'm just trying to lose around 14lbs as I'm not that overweight. I'd love to be ur friend x
  • fish4red
    fish4red Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome to the site. Be glad to be friends and give you those encouragements when you need them. Its a long process and do get mad if you slip. I was told its ok to slip, just don't fall.
  • connect2carrie
    connect2carrie Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, and Type II Diabetes and have about 150 lbs to loose. I would love to travel this journey together. I need someone to keep me on my toes! I will send you a friend request.
  • I know how you feel hun! I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 17 (When I got with my now husband & had a M/C in 2007). I gained so much weight and never got pregnant again (Im 24 now). I need to lose about 100 lbs and hopefully we get that POSITIVE SOON!!! Good luck girlie!
  • mystic_elegance
    mystic_elegance Posts: 258 Member
    Diagnosed with PCOS over 2 years ago, took the doctors forever to diagnose it and very little to tell me about it. Self educating. Have 100+ pounds to lose in total. Feel free to add me! :)
  • lyssAb2007
    lyssAb2007 Posts: 12
    You are all so wonderful! Thank you!!! :) I'm adding all of you!
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    Hi Alyssa! You sound just like me! I too have mild PCOS and suffered a miscarriage a few months ago at 21/2 months and I'm also recently married! I have about 60 pounds to lose total! This might sounds odd, but im actually looking for friends on here who have also suffered a miscarriage. I have quite a few MFP friends who are "trying to lose baby weight" and always nag about the weight they gained when they were pregnant, and it takes everything in me to not flip. I'll send you a request!!
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    Sorry to hear about your losses. I had a miscarriage last month (also have PCOS but miraculously got pregnant on our own this time after TTC for almost a year).

    I want to lose about 30 lbs before another pregnancy. I had already gained about 10 lbs with the pregnancy, we lost the baby at 10 weeks. I'm sick of looking in the mirror at my stomach that still looks pregnant. I started exercising like a mad-woman about a week and a half after I miscarried but the scale hasn't budged. I'm sure I've probably toned up though b/c pants that weren't fitting do now. I've been struggling with weight for about 13 years now.. and I'm really ready to be a "fit" me.

    I'll be curious to hear if the metformin helps with weight loss.
  • Hi ladies, Its nice to meet all of you who are going through the same patch. I too lost my first baby last march. We've been trying for 5 years but this PCOS has not helped. I was in a slumped for the past 4 months but I promise my self I'll start my regiment this month so that I can better take care of my self and have a better chance of getting pregnant. I don't want to ignore my weight anymore. I really just want to take hold of my life and love my self a little bit. Who can better take care of ourselves, it is up to us. (hope that grammer is right ^_^) . Thank you for sharing your struggles.