Can anyone suggest an exercise to trim inner thigh and knees please...

Iwanttolosemymummytummy Posts: 82 Member
edited March 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm a keen walker and throughout an average day am so busy that I literally never sit down so you'd think that I'd have super slim pins!! (I haven't by the way....) I am not a gym bunny so I don't use any equipment other than what I have at home which are an exercise bike and a couple of dumbells. I don't usually get on the bike all that often I have to admit as my left knee begins to lock after a few minutes if pedaling. However I do up to 20 minutes HIIT sessions from youtube 5 days a week and a couple of sessions a week of weight training (nothing major or in the slightest bit impressive I might add).
Can anyone suggest an exercise to trim my inner thigh and the area just above of my knee? Even at my lightest I have never had skinny legs but I would like them to be firmer.


  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Iwanttolosemymummytummy Posts: 82 Member
    edited March 2017
    calorie deficit... you need to lose more fat

    Yes this is true!
    lizery wrote: »
    Overall fat loss makes the most difference but I have found stair climbing, jogging (beginner level) and social cycling has help muscle development in my legs to have a better underlying shape as the fat came off.


    Here is a pic about 1 yr apart ^
    13kg weight loss and the exercise mentioned above.

    Your 2nd pic is the look I'm going for!! Your first pic is me now!! Thanks for taking the time to help. I will get on that bike and grin and bare it!! The stair climbing sounds interesting. How were you incorpirating that? Climbing the stairs at home or getting a stepper? How many reps etc? Jogging out of the question after 4 babies!
    You look amazing by the way.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Stair climbing does make a difference. :) I climb about 25 flights a day (20 stairs in each flight) 5 days a week at work.

    I work in a 10-story office building, so I'm out there hiking up and down every day.

    I also cycle a lot. Great fun and does wonders for the legs. :)

    And I do a lot of brisk walking ... much of it uphill.
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Iwanttolosemymummytummy Posts: 82 Member
    edited March 2017
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Essentially, you just need overall fat loss. Ideally, you would incorporate a resistance based programs to continue to develop the muscles and eat adequate protein (.6-8g per lb) to enable muscle retention.

    ETA: Don't try to use other people's success as means to think that is how your body will turn out. Genetics determines where you lose weight and it's more about cutting fat, that a specific exercise. There are a variety of exercise that can help you achieve that goal. Some are better at building/maintain the muscle mass (weight training > cardio), but that is about the extent.

    Such as.....? What type of exercises? So I can try some out and see how I get on.
    Oh, don't worry I won't be using other people's success as a means to think that is how my body will turn out. I have no doubt that she is probably at least 15 years younger than me, has more energy, maybe more time and definiately better genes than me and I have a realistic view of life :D but I can use their success as motivation. ;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2017
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Essentially, you just need overall fat loss. Ideally, you would incorporate a resistance based programs to continue to develop the muscles and eat adequate protein (.6-8g per lb) to enable muscle retention.

    ETA: Don't try to use other people's success as means to think that is how your body will turn out. Genetics determines where you lose weight and it's more about cutting fat, that a specific exercise. There are a variety of exercise that can help you achieve that goal. Some are better at building/maintain the muscle mass (weight training > cardio), but that is about the extent.

    Such as.....? What type of exercises? So I can try some out and see how I get on.

    It's largely going to depend on your personal interest. HIIT can be effective, as long as your are continuously increasing intensity. I am a big fan of structure programs that provide progressive overload, and there are several body weight programs that can do that: you are your own gym, convict conditioning and StrongCurves all have programs. Cycling has also shown to be beneficial and in certain circumstances can increase muscle.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    If you extend one leg behind you, like you are going to do a curtsey and squat with your weigh on the other leg you will really feel that in your inner thigh. Google "curtsey lunge" for photos/videos.
  • rckc1
    rckc1 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been using a lateral elliptical machine for the last month. You can adjust the width of the stance. I can really tell the difference in my legs. I have a gap between thighs FINALLY! I also do the step machine
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Thanks for all the advice.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Low impact if needed, elliptical, hands down. It is more about the fat loss via calorie deficit, however using the muscles themselves will give an appearance of being tighter and leaner, even without actual fat loss or muscle gain.
    The first time I lost I basically only used a calorie deficit and the elliptical and I liked how my legs leaned out. That was 40 lbs lost.
    This time I've lost it all again, plus some more and I am running and lifting weights at the gym. This time around my legs look stronger and have more definition and a lot less wobble. I've got a half a thigh gap too! Knees have a gap and top of thighs under the lady zone have a gap but not in the very middle yet.
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Eh?? In english please :D:D
    Thanks, I'll google them
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    As others have stated, there is no way to spot reduce fat in a certain area. Just keep eating at a deficit for allover fat loss and you'll eventually see improvement in your thighs.

    If you are looking for a lifting routine, here are some great suggestions. I only have dumbbells at home as well and have started one of the dumbbell programs and am enjoy it:
  • ChristineCoen
    ChristineCoen Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! The best way my clients lose weight in this area is in their diet. OVerall, you will lean out through what you are eating vs what you are working out in the gym. I'm sure you have heard you can spot- train to lose body fat. Losing body fat in general will help trim these areas. Any leg exercises, especially compound movements like squats, RDL's, Leg Press, all kinds of lunges, and doing them WELL with good form and progressive intensity will develop muscle in your legs which will help increase your overall metabolism, which can help to your body fat loss.

    If you find you are losing body fat from all areas BUT some are being stubborn, this could be a hormonal issue. When hormones are imbalanced we hold body fat in certain areas and it doesn't let go until those hormones are balanced. Think about when we first get our menstrual cycle, the body is producing new hormones, and the balance of where we hold body fat changes- (adds to breasts, hips, thighs). Other hormones in our body from thyroid to cortisol (stress hormone) could cause our body to hold onto body fat stubbornly. Certain food choices and timing of nutrients, how and what time you workout, as well as supplement support (vitamins and minerals) can help balance these out again.

    Hope this helps!
    Christine Coen
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    cmc228 wrote: »
    Hi! The best way my clients lose weight in this area is in their diet. OVerall, you will lean out through what you are eating vs what you are working out in the gym. I'm sure you have heard you can spot- train to lose body fat. Losing body fat in general will help trim these areas. Any leg exercises, especially compound movements like squats, RDL's, Leg Press, all kinds of lunges, and doing them WELL with good form and progressive intensity will develop muscle in your legs which will help increase your overall metabolism, which can help to your body fat loss.

    If you find you are losing body fat from all areas BUT some are being stubborn, this could be a hormonal issue. When hormones are imbalanced we hold body fat in certain areas and it doesn't let go until those hormones are balanced. Think about when we first get our menstrual cycle, the body is producing new hormones, and the balance of where we hold body fat changes- (adds to breasts, hips, thighs). Other hormones in our body from thyroid to cortisol (stress hormone) could cause our body to hold onto body fat stubbornly. Certain food choices and timing of nutrients, how and what time you workout, as well as supplement support (vitamins and minerals) can help balance these out again.

    Hope this helps!
    Christine Coen

    Thank you for your professional advice. I will take it on board. In your opinion what time of day is best to exercise? And with losing body fat I find myself keeping to the daily calories mfp has calculated for me but sugar is my enemy! How important is it to keep under my sugar allowance in order to lose body fat??
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited March 2017
    calorie deficit... you need to lose more fat

    Yes this is true!
    lizery wrote: »
    Overall fat loss makes the most difference but I have found stair climbing, jogging (beginner level) and social cycling has help muscle development in my legs to have a better underlying shape as the fat came off.


    Here is a pic about 1 yr apart ^
    13kg weight loss and the exercise mentioned above.

    Your 2nd pic is the look I'm going for!! Your first pic is me now!! Thanks for taking the time to help. I will get on that bike and grin and bare it!! The stair climbing sounds interesting. How were you incorpirating that? Climbing the stairs at home or getting a stepper? How many reps etc? Jogging out of the question after 4 babies!
    You look amazing by the way.

    Thanks. I climb a huge outdoor set of stairs in a nature reserve 2-3 time a week then jog the trails.


    ^start of the stairs.

    As others mentioned don't assume the same results as someone else (duh) but as background, I am 5'2'', 35yrs old and working (registered nurse) mother of 2, also doing post grad study - so probably not all that much more time. I was never overweight until suddenly gaining 14kg about 3yrs ago. I was about 69kg in the first picture. About 56kg in the second.

    I posted my comparison as an example of what general weight loss and the exercises I mentioned had on MY body.

    To be honest, I've had better results changing my leg shape with heavy lifting in previous years but this was without any weight loss as I was not overweight then.

    But blah blah blah of course individual results will vary.

    Losing fat and working your leg muscles is the best bet though.

    Good luck!

  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    lizery wrote: »
    calorie deficit... you need to lose more fat

    Yes this is true!
    lizery wrote: »
    Overall fat loss makes the most difference but I have found stair climbing, jogging (beginner level) and social cycling has help muscle development in my legs to have a better underlying shape as the fat came off.


    Here is a pic about 1 yr apart ^
    13kg weight loss and the exercise mentioned above.

    Your 2nd pic is the look I'm going for!! Your first pic is me now!! Thanks for taking the time to help. I will get on that bike and grin and bare it!! The stair climbing sounds interesting. How were you incorpirating that? Climbing the stairs at home or getting a stepper? How many reps etc? Jogging out of the question after 4 babies!
    You look amazing by the way.

    Thanks. I climb a huge outdoor set of stairs in a nature reserve 2-3 time a week then jog the trails.


    ^start of the stairs.

    As others mentioned don't assume the same results as someone else (duh) but as background, I am 5'2'', 35yrs old and working (registered nurse) mother of 2, also doing post grad study - so probably not all that much more time. I was never overweight until suddenly gaining 14kg about 3yrs ago. I was about 69kg in the first picture. About 56kg in the second.

    I posted my comparison as an example of what general weight loss and the exercises I mentioned had on MY body.

    To be honest, I've had better results changing my leg shape with heavy lifting in previous years but this was without any weight loss as I was not overweight then.

    But blah blah blah of course individual results will vary.

    Losing fat and working your leg muscles is the best bet though.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for taking the time out to post another response and photo. you have now given me more motivation.
    I am only 5 years older than you!! From your photo I honestly thought you were in your early twenties. And how wrong was I to think you had more time than me! As busy as you are, you manage to fit exercise into your life, that's fantastic!
    I am on maternity leave at the moment and LO is just over 5 months, so am trying to get to my healthy weight again, which is usually 69kg for my 5'8" frame and lose roughly 21 lbs. I know I will do it, eventually, because I have done after my other 3. My problem areas are mainly thighs and belly but wanted ideas how to work the thigh area mostly.

    From now on a set of stairs will be my new friend! :s