Knee Pain and exercise.

I have arthritis in my knee thanks to it being broken about a decade back and am in a TON of pain today. I had planned on walking at lunch but am absolutely reconsidering that since it hurts so much. Any fellow arthritics have advice for exercise on days where mere ordinary walking is pure torment?


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Strength training heavy weight squats at proper depth helped me tremendously once I went back to heavy weights.
  • Illyanka
    Illyanka Posts: 22 Member
    I have never done a lick of strength training so I wouldn't know how helpful that would be for me. I'm in agony just sitting at my desk.

    I had planned on walking at lunch but this has detailed those plans for sure.
  • LeoT0917
    LeoT0917 Posts: 206 Member
    I would consult your physician for a good recommendation on a physical therapist.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Heat or ice might help with the pain. Ask doc about pain cream since it's localized. There are several kinds of Rx pain creams that can be eff ed chive for flare ups. As far as exercise, it doesn't sound like a good idea today. Maybe yoga, or a bike or rowing that doesn't require you to be on feet? Hope you feel better soon.
  • sandininja
    sandininja Posts: 4 Member
    i have terrible knees too. i swim, row or bike to get my heart rate up without knee pain.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Don't have arthritis myself, but have a friend with a severe degenerative form of arthritis. She's had multiple joint replacements including both knees. Her PTs insist on regular strength exercises for her legs to improve her mobility and help support her knees. They'd have her do weighted back squats, lunges, etc if she still could, but that ship sailed long ago. So, they modify the lifts to accommodate her and have her stick to body weight where necessary.

    I'd recommend seeing a PT and getting that kind of exercise plan to help you deal with your arthritis issues.
  • texwicvic
    texwicvic Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2017
    I have problems with my knees too. I do swim aerobics in the deep end of the pool at the YWCA. There is less pain then when i do it in the shallow part. I go twice a week. Every other day. I can't do two days in a row. I can't move if i do. Hope this helps.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Up to you if you want to try it, but Osteo Biflex helped me immensely with my arthritis in my knees. It helped so much I still take it daily after almost 1.5 years.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Make a physio appointment. Get some advice on specific exercises to help support your knee. I was in some pretty severe pain in the fall, and am pain-free at the moment.
  • Illyanka
    Illyanka Posts: 22 Member
    Up to you if you want to try it, but Osteo Biflex helped me immensely with my arthritis in my knees. It helped so much I still take it daily after almost 1.5 years.

    It can't hurt. After a decade of this, I'm game to try anything. Most days are bearable but was bad. I'm just grateful I work in an office instead of being on my feet in retail or waiting tables.
  • Illyanka
    Illyanka Posts: 22 Member
    I'm planning to make a doc appointment, I just have to wait until our staffing levels are higher at work. No one is being approved for time off so I'm having to play it by ear until we get more folks on board.

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I appreciate it. :)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Talk to a physio, and your doctor, and do take up strength training with a good trainer who can work with you on proper form. I have two kinds of arthritis and my knees are bad. Strength training helps strengthen all of the muscles that support them. Thanks to strength training, I can even run a few days a week.

    I know this doesn't help you today, but I figured it could help in the long term.

    FTR, heavy weights don't have to be super heavy, they're just heavy for you. I goblet squat with dumbbells, and still get good benefits.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Illyanka wrote: »
    Up to you if you want to try it, but Osteo Biflex helped me immensely with my arthritis in my knees. It helped so much I still take it daily after almost 1.5 years.

    It can't hurt. After a decade of this, I'm game to try anything. Most days are bearable but was bad. I'm just grateful I work in an office instead of being on my feet in retail or waiting tables.

    Wal-Mart also has a generic Equate brand that is half the price shelved right next to the Osteo Biflex. Keep your water intake good as well, it'll help. Give it time to work, hopefully within a week you'll notice a difference, I did.
  • ddveedub
    ddveedub Posts: 140 Member
    Hi -I have arthritis in my right knee and when I started walking, I started with a very short duration (20 mins) only a couple times a week and I started doing gentle workouts where I could focus on strengthening. Jane Fonda has a couple of good workouts that I bought through Amazon. I have an arthritic shoulder also that has vastly improved with the addition of yoga. I'm up to 3.5 miles 4x a week but I still have days where my knee hurts. Just lessen intensity and do what you can. Yesterday I cut my walk short by half and avoided hills. Today my knee feels great and I walked 71 mins, so listen to your bones.