Leslie Sansone Walking videos?

I have not gotten a lot of exercise over the last few years except for leisurely walks with the family. I recently decided to start getting some exercise. I am pretty out of shape and have bad knees, so someone recommended the Leslie Sansone videos. I have been really enjoying the videos. I don't own any yet, but have been using You Tube. I have been doing the 2 mile walk strong with weights, and occasionally the 1 mile walk strong, or the 1 mile happy walk with the Ab Workout on the days I do 1 mile. I have done the 3 mile walk a couple of times, but my time is fairly limited and I don't always have time to do more than 30 minutes. I have been thinking about purchasing some Leslie Sansone DVDs, but I am not sure what to buy. What I would like is something that sticks around 30 minutes, but maybe picks up the pace? The videos I have been doing are about a 15 minute mile. Does she have any that have a faster pace, or a quicker mile? I read somewhere that she has some videos that have 'boosts' that are more like a 12 minute mile, but I am not sure which videos those would be. Also, I would love suggestions for your favorite Leslie Sansone videos or anything like them (even if they are longer for days I have more time). I just do not care for videos where I am worried about trying to figure out steps and what the heck people are doing. It makes me feel uncoordinated and like I am not even getting decent exercise when I am so focused on trying to get the steps down. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!


  • KettleBelle68
    KettleBelle68 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi @auvan0876 ! I've been using Leslie's videos for quite a few years and have gotten a nice library built up. Because you don't have very many dvds already, you might want to check into her APP. From what I've read, it gives you a monthly plan and you can skip through workouts as you want. It's $4.99/month or $49.99/year. You can find out more information on her website Walk At Home. If you would rather stay with the dvds, there are a number of dvds that have a faster pace. To me, the Just Walk series has the faster miles. I also love her HITT videos that have short bursts of higher intensity walking mixed in. The time flies by so quickly. You might also want to check out Jessica Smith's website or Jessica Smith TV. She has a lot of different walking videos. She does offer different types of movements too but nothing too hard for those of us with coordination issues. Hope you find something you like and keep walking! :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2017
    auvan0876 wrote: »
    I have not gotten a lot of exercise over the last few years except for leisurely walks with the family. I recently decided to start getting some exercise. I am pretty out of shape and have bad knees, so someone recommended the Leslie Sansone videos. I have been really enjoying the videos. I don't own any yet, but have been using You Tube. I have been doing the 2 mile walk strong with weights, and occasionally the 1 mile walk strong, or the 1 mile happy walk with the Ab Workout on the days I do 1 mile. I have done the 3 mile walk a couple of times, but my time is fairly limited and I don't always have time to do more than 30 minutes. I have been thinking about purchasing some Leslie Sansone DVDs, but I am not sure what to buy. What I would like is something that sticks around 30 minutes, but maybe picks up the pace? The videos I have been doing are about a 15 minute mile. Does she have any that have a faster pace, or a quicker mile? I read somewhere that she has some videos that have 'boosts' that are more like a 12 minute mile, but I am not sure which videos those would be. Also, I would love suggestions for your favorite Leslie Sansone videos or anything like them (even if they are longer for days I have more time). I just do not care for videos where I am worried about trying to figure out steps and what the heck people are doing. It makes me feel uncoordinated and like I am not even getting decent exercise when I am so focused on trying to get the steps down. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

    Start with browsing a couple websites that give you video clips: http://www.collagevideo.com/collections/leslie-sansone

    For "boosted" workouts look at the impact level.....you want MIXED.

    There are 3 "phases" of Leslie DVDs.

    1. Walk Away the Pounds - these are older workouts that were on VHS originally. The music is generally quieter and they are not chaptered. This means to do a shorter workout you fast forward.

    Look for compilations here (better value): Fat Burning Miles has three - 2 mile workouts, + a 1 miler. Walk & Jog in on this....this might be on YouTube.

    2. Walk At Home. These are chaptered so you can skip miles. A 5 mile workout is a good value because it can be as long or short as you want. The music is generally better, although the studio is almost always the same.

    3 Mile Weight Loss Walk is a favorite. This uses light dumbbells so you use your arms a lot. Mary Kays mile is awesome.

    3. Just Walk - These are chaptered AND most have a music only option! New bright studio, she changes this up often. This is what you will find at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

    5 Boosted Miles is a good one. Tone Every Zone Walk is a good circuit workout (like Walk Strong).....strength training & cardio intervals.

    Here's a link to the Leslie group here on MFP..........http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/335-leslie-sansone-walk-at-home

    Edited to add - I need low impact (older)......but when I want to jog thru every walking section I will use a mini-trampoline. This will bump up any Leslie workout.
  • auvan0876
    auvan0876 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you. All great ideas.