Treadmill v Rowing Machine

Mzblacberrie Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everybody,
I need advice/insight/suggestion, im 5'3 and currently 195 (overweight) trying to loose 40 to 50 pounds. Looking to get machine for my home to workout when I am not at the gym.


  • razzapool
    razzapool Posts: 89 Member
    treadmill I always found the best until I pulled my hamstring and now even months later I cant run without a sharp pain in my hip, rowing machine less stress on your body I think but if your gym has a power mill use that it is a calorie burning monster
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Whichever you can stick to! Or alternate them if you have access to both :smiley:
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    It's all good, so do whichever one you enjoy most. Indoor rowing is my fav, but I cross-train on the treadmill and bike. I find that similar perceived efforts on the rowing machine and treadmill earn me similar calories, while the bike gives slightly less.
  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    The most important part of this answer is neither will replace honest and accurate logging to ensure you are in a calorie deficit to lose the weight. Focus on logging your intake. This is your greatest tool for shedding the pounds. Much cheaper than a rower or a treadmill. You can not outburn a bad diet via exercise.

    For treadmill vs rower... The short answer is the one you will use most. They are very different machines.

    I own and have used both quite a bit in the past. I no longer use the rower as much as I have in the past and I no longer use the treadmill at all. Mines not even plugged in.

    Treadmills: many prefer to stay indoors and use a treadmill. There are several benefits to being indoors as well - safety considerations, watching tv, no weather concerns, etc... But, what you do on the treadmill you can also do outside for exercise.

    Rowers: Have you ever rowed? If not, I'd suggest going to a local gym to try it out first. The best indoor rowers (in my view) are here: Take a look around - especially at their videos. Heck, you can also row outside on real water if you have an opportunity (I do not).

    If I had to make a choice today and keep one or the other, I'd keep my rower. That's because I do all of the activities I'd do on a treadmill outside - regardless of weather.

    Good luck.
  • healthypelican
    healthypelican Posts: 215 Member
    I hated using the rowing machine for more than a few minutes so would not use it! I do quite a relaxed pace on the treadmill, but could spend a few hours on it, so treadmill probably wins. Although, if you got both, you could go on the treadmill for ten minutes, than on the rowing machine for two, than repeat as many times as desired. I think the bike is the best home exercise equipment, because the seat is comfortable, you can push yourself as hard as you want, and it burns a lot more calories than walking.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Concept2 rower...using your whole body instead of just walking.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    As others have said, the best choice is whichever you will enjoy most and stick to using. Otherwise you're just spending a lot of money for what will eventually become an overpriced clothes hanger. :)

    Personally, I feel the rower is much more of a full-body workout than a treadmill, and it's also a much lower impact workout compared to walking/running on a treadmill. With that said, I use both of them at the gym, as well as the stationary bikes and (occasionally) the elliptical trainers.

    Tip: If you're going to buy a rower, spend the money and buy a good one. Several years ago I bought a cheap hydraulic rower (it uses what are basically car shock absorbers for the resistance) and it sucked. As the fluid inside them heated up during my workout, it lost viscosity and the resistance on the machine went down dramatically. If I was going to buy another rower, I'd take the advice of @fitin50s2 and look into the Concept2 machines - our gym has one, I use it regularly and it's excellent.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I love my rowing machine......another fan of the Concept2 machines.

    If you're considering buying one I would strongly suggest that you try one at least a few times before taking the plunge. C2 machines are the gold standard of rowing machines (they're the ones rowing clubs & university rowing teams etc use for off season training) and they're not cheap but they are worth every penny.

    Same goes for a treadmill, try one out a few times to make sure it's something you'll enjoy and then buy the best one you can afford (the good news is that you can probably find a good deal on a used treadmill this time of year, lots of people buy them and then never use them)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm with the concept ll crowd.
    It gives me a better full body work out etc,etc.

    I also dislike the treadmill, stationary bike, and most other cardio machines, so I am a little (lot) biased.

    It really is down to your personal preference.

    Cheers, h.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    edited March 2017
    Home exercise machines are notoriously underused. The consumer models aren't as solid as the ones at the gym unless you spend the big $$ (thousands, in many cases). Even when you do, they're often not used very much and when they break, it costs a lot to get them fixed. Arrg.

    You can work out at your house whenever you want to for free. I have gotten a lot stronger using exercise bands. There are lots of free videos on YouTube.

    But, if you're sure you're ready, I'd get a good treadmill or elliptical trainer. But: I only like the gym-quality ones myself. I got rid of my Sports Store treadmill a long time ago.

    Best of luck!
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    edited March 2017
    I prefer to row. If I want to run I can go outside to do that, but I live in Southeast Texas so weather is not an issue.