Unsure of my activity level

I'm unsure of what to classify myself in terms of how active I am.

Every day I walk/jog for at least 2 hours and generally I strive to go longer than 2 and get closer to 3.

I do about forty minutes of HIIT cardio in the form of body weight exercises 6 times a week.

I lift weights for about 50-90 minutes 5 times a week. I do an ab workout everyday for about 15-20 minutes.

I also am a student which means I must walk around campus and I have a job that I work a few hours a day which requires me to walk and stand and also have me occasionally lift objects but nothing more than 40/50 lbs.

I don't know if this would be considerd lightly active or active, any suggestions.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Lightly active and log your exercises separately
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sounds very active to me, or what she said ^^^^
  • marelthu
    marelthu Posts: 184 Member
    If what you're doing is lightly active I'm doomed. Doomed. I would say you're very active.
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    Activity level refers to your background activity level, not your workouts. I would guess lightly active. Then you should log your workouts. MFP adds in calories for the workouts separately. If you find you are starving and losing weight too quickly, bump it up to active.
  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    I think of activity level as only what you do Monday through Friday. So you have school and work. That does involve walking but also sitting.

    I would say lightly active in you normal day to day life. The walk/jog, hiit and weights are all above and beyond a normal life style. Log those as exercise calories.

    For me I don't count the 15000 steps I get per day running around the house playing with my kids, or wrestling with them, or picking them up holding them for hours on end. That's my lightly active every day stuff. Not my 6 Miles of run or the hour of lifting weights.