Best time to drink protein shake?

Is there an ideal time to drink a protein shake?


  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    When you haven't hit your protein macro through the rest of your meals.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I would recommend some time of recovery shake after a hard workout. You have an hour window so don't drink it right after exercising. I drink chocolate milk or maybe a shake with Muscle Milk after a particularly hard workout.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would recommend some time of recovery shake after a hard workout. You have an hour window so don't drink it right after exercising. I drink chocolate milk or maybe a shake with Muscle Milk after a particularly hard workout.

    That window thing is way overblown, and it is more aimed at the carbs to get ready for your next session, assuming it will be within the next day. For protein, if you hit your macro each day, then you either got enough before the workout, or you will by the end of the day, nutrient timing is majoring in the minors (a lot of effort and thought for suck a minuscule difference, that may only be noticeable in the 1% of the population elite athletes
  • TigerLily100
    TigerLily100 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't know the scientific answer but I personally always have one if i've really gone for it on the weights, usually about half hour after once I get home.
    My logic is a heavy session means my muscles need protein to repair and as I don't eat meat, it gives me a boost to what I get in my diet.
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    If you dig around you will find both sides of this story.

    I drink one post workout with some carbs - rice, rice cakes, Karbolyn, just recently started with gummy life savers (they are misty dextrose which helps with glycogen restores.)
    On off days I will drink one before bed with a banana and apple.
    On any of these days I'm get busy and fall short on my protien I will stop and get a muscle milk at the store with some cheap carbs (snack cake or something similar).