I'm back for Round Two. Help me....

Hello all,
In 2012, I lost 40lbs using MFP. I was so happy and proud of myself...I felt in control again. After November, I did a lot of travelling (6 countries in 6 months). I have put on 20 lbs again. So here I am again, trying to lose another 40 lbs (I wasn't done the first time!) using MFP and sheer will power. I have a personal trainer that I see twice a week for resistance training. It has been a month and while I am stronger, I am really struggling with my eating and cardio. In other words, I'm eating too much crap and not doing any cardio. I really need some motivation....this morning I felt terrible and didn't want to leave the house to go to work.


  • tmazionsmith
    Just know that it takes time to get into any new routine - eating better and working out is no different. Start with a small goal of maybe working out two times per week for 20 minutes, treadmill or elliptical. Then it won't seem like such a huge leap into cardio! As for food, that is harder to control, I think, but if you use the tools here, you will see progress, even if it is only .5 per week to start.
  • twosons08
    twosons08 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. Baby steps....
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Just like me i lost it and then gained a bunch back, i hated dressing up, looking all BIG when i used to be small, its like wth happen!!
    You just gotta get yourself up and start again. Good luck
  • Rehobobound
    Rehobobound Posts: 143 Member
    Totally understand! The journey does take time, I try to remember that when I feel I'm failing. As another poster said "baby steps". Congrats on getting the trainer lined up. I believe having my trainer is what keeps on the path.

    6 countries in 6 months! That's quite an accomplishment and sounds absolutely fantastic. Focus on the the good stuff in your life. Weight does not define you.

    Good luck! We're all out here with you!.