INSANITY & Strengh Training

I have just started insanity (day 3) and I also weight train 5-6 days a week, something hasn't occurred to me that I perhaps should have thought of, POST LEG DAY, which for me is twice a week lol

Just wondering how people who do both work around this matter,


  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Insanity and 5-6 weight training sessions is a riduclous amount of training and will likely cause you to become overtrained rapidly.

    Insanity is designed to be a full body resistance and cardio programme to be run in isolation.
  • 2lhasas
    2lhasas Posts: 18 Member
    You might want to look at the Insanity workouts and focus on the cardio options. I have done a hybrid of Body Beast and Insanity Max 30, but only did the cardio Max 30 workouts, not the Power & Strength ones which are full of push up and squat variations. That said, all the Insanity workouts are tough on legs because they are heavily plyo based. You may want to work in a rest day around leg day - and reconsider doing legs twice a week in conjunction with Insanity.