Changes you have made

HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
I frequently see people writing that "it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle" and "I have what I want in moderation" etc.

But I imagine some of you must have made some changes other than simply cutting back? Like things you simply don't eat or drink anymore?

I can say I have adopted some new habits, and got rid of old ones. E.g.:

- I don't drink juice anymore. After realizing how many calories it is, I would rather have the fruit with the fiber. So I ditch the glass of orange juice and have an orange between meals.

- If I'm out, I go for wine. I like wine anyway, but I used to have drinks and they have so much sugar and it is impossible to know how much. I also realized many bars simply haven't heard of sugarfree tonics.

- I prioritize sleep. Lack of sleep gives me less energy and I can tell my body is trying to make up for it by craving extra food. So I have started giving myself a curfew.

- I always take the stairs at work.

Anyone have other little things they have simply changed in their life and am not planning to change back?


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I do eat what I like. I look at calories first and then meeting my protein goal. I try to eat several servings of vegetables or fruit a day. I plan and prelog my food for the day every morning to help me meet my goals.
    I use a food scale frequently.
    I look up nutritional info for restaurants and plan my order. I might get a regular burger with a side salad and vinaigrette dressing with an unsweetened tea.
    I eat less cheese, bread, pasta or rice. I am not eating a low carb diet and did not cut those foods out but eat less than I used to.
    I make a smaller amount of popcorn and use less oil. Apparently I used to eat about 4- 5 servings and use way more oil than I needed.
    I eat more eggs, more yogurt, cottage cheese, more fish, more beans/lentils. Less beef. Chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts more often. Smaller amounts of dark chocolate. Vegetables or fruit for snacks more often.
    I used to eat crackers. I decided the amount of calories was not worth it so I almost never have crackers now. That's the food I cut out most.
    I mostly drink water or unsweetened tea now. I decided to save my calories for food.

    I spend less time sitting.

  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    The biggest change for me so far has been that I really don't drink alcohol anymore. I used to have a glass of wine at home a few times a week or make a cocktail on the weekend, now I just don't want it. I have had one cocktail and two glasses of wine since New Year.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    -I still eat the things that I enjoy, just less of it.

    -I weigh my food (most of the time)

    -I cook dinner a lot more, therefore we eat out less :)

    -When we do go out, I'll stick to 1 (sometimes 2) drinks. I'll opt for wine or a vodka/soda instead of high calorie beer. If I do get a beer, I only have 1...instead of the usual 3 or 4.

    -I count my calories, pre log my food, weigh myself often to keep myself on track

    -I try to walk outside a lot (although so far this month I haven't been so good at that)

    -Less soda. I haven't cut it out completely, but will only have maybe 1 or 2 a week instead of daily.

    -I pack my lunch and snacks more often
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2017
    That's right, "it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle" and "I have what I want in moderation" are both true for me, but yes, I have also made some permanent changes, some simple adjustments, and some dramatic overhauls. My preferences are partly the same as always, partly very differerent. I think of my eating habits as "normal" now; they used to be quite extreme and I was very often stressed out and feeling miserable.

    I plan my meals, but now I only plan for meals I actually want to eat, not meals and foods that are supposed to be "healthy". I do indeed aim to get in sufficient nutrition, have a good balance and appropriate portions, but I know that I have to decide for myself what, when and how much to eat; if I try to follow "guidelines" made by others, I will rebel, sooner or later.

    I stick to meals - I wait until I'm hungry, eat three meals per day, and a fourth if needed. I weigh/count some foods, mostly for planning purposes, less for the calories. I have water or black coffee/tea between meals. If I want something "extra", I will occasionally have something "extra".

    I buy just what I need, and eat it up; nothing is off limits, but I don't buy stuff I know I have trouble moderating, at least not in large amounts.

    I enjoy cooking and eating and anticipating a meal.

    I eat for nourishment and pleasure, not to pass time or soothe emotions.

    I don't worry about not doing it "right" or sometimes eating too much. It evens out over time as long as I don't consistently overeat, and I don't do that anymore!

    I move more on the daily - dance, walk, take the stairs. I don't do any planned exercise.

    I aim for 8 hours of undisturbed sleep every night.

    I weigh myself every day, and calculate the average every week. If I see any creep, I cut down on "extras" and try to move a little more.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member

    My biggest change has been cutting out the mindless eating. I'm a perpetual snacker. Now, before I get up to grab something to eat, I check in with myself to see if I'm actually hungry or if I'm eating out of habit. I still struggle with this, especially at night when my husband is snacking, but it's getting better.
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    - I track macros to make sure I am hitting goals
    - I started eating better snacks like Plain Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese instead of chips or chocolate
    - I make sure to get better sleep by going to bed at a consistent time and "unplugging" earlier
    - I actually make dinners every night instead of making quick meals or stopping somewhere for dinner
    - I cut out as much added sugar as possible
    - I have not had any soda in over 2 months and stick to plain water or seltzer water any time I eat out.
    - I quit adding a cup of salt to everything and I barely even use it to season anything anymore
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Alcohol on weekends only, and generally just one beer.
    Cut back my snacks - I have an apple at midmorning, and just coffee in the afternoon.
    Fresh veggies as my appetizer - I pull out veggies to eat while cooking dinner. I'm usually really hungry by then, and it takes the edge off so I eat a reasonable portion of my meal.
    Stopped buying treats at Tim Hortons with my coffee. They're not that good, and they're all really high calorie with no redeeming qualities.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    - I track macros to make sure I am hitting goals

    When you say 'hitting goals', do you mean reach the macros on all of them? Or just staying under?

    I usually stay under sugar and salt, I go over on fat and try to hit the max on protein. I am not sure what people mean when they say 'hit macros'.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I exercise now, I drink diet soda instead of regular, and I drink less alcohol. Otherwise, if it fits in my calorie goal I'll eat or drink it :)
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    HM2206 wrote: »
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    - I track macros to make sure I am hitting goals

    When you say 'hitting goals', do you mean reach the macros on all of them? Or just staying under?

    I usually stay under sugar and salt, I go over on fat and try to hit the max on protein. I am not sure what people mean when they say 'hit macros'.

    I am very similar in a way. I try to stay max on proteins as well as staying about right on for fats and carbs. I am with you on the sugar and sodium; I try to stay under. Sometimes I get close or go over on sodium, but I don't think I have gone over on sugar
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    The only real changes I've made have been to reduce/eliminate things that just don't seem worth the calories to me.


    1. When I have rice or pasta, it's an accent to the meal, not the main event like it used to be.
    2. I don't have caloric mixers in my cocktails anymore unless it's a special cocktail that I'm wanting to try -- and then I'll limit myself to one and switch to something else after that.
    3. I rarely have full fat salad dressings.
    4. Candy is very rare (except for dark chocolate)
  • cwatters69
    cwatters69 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm logging food for the first time in my life. This alone has been the biggest change for me. Actually holding myself accountable as to what I'm eating has been eye opening. The second biggest change has been to cut out fast food, especially french fries. I used to eat fast food daily and have fries and/or chips 2 or more times a day. Thirdly, I've added more veggies to my diet. I used to hardly ever eat good veggies, now I eat them daily. I haven't weighed myself recently, but I can definitely tell it's working.
  • SpotLighttt
    SpotLighttt Posts: 174 Member
    I eat first and worry about the calories later which is the wrong attitude :D

    However I have reduced portions over time and dont have much of a lunch. Slimming all over generously
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    I don't order takeout/delivery like I used to. I'm lazy and don't like to cook so delivery on the weekends was always part of my routine. That's just not practical if I'm trying to count calories as I really can't do so accurately.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Soda - used to drink about 5 cans a day (not joking) I do have one every once in a while, since 2013
    White potatoes - maybe once a week. I know this isn't a "bad" food but for some reason my body doesn't do well with this.
    Cereal - I love cold cereal but I will over eat on them in a hot second!!!
    Desserts - I don't eat them as often ***and I have a wicked sweet tooth. I'm learning to make desserts with protein powder

    I could keep going. Currently I have one splurge meal a week and still may have a few pieces of chocolate through the week.

    Everyone is different. There are so many "diets" eating plans and types of exercise out there, anyone should be able to find something that works for them.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    In my mid-teens, before I started losing weight, I quit drinking juices and soda at the recommendation of my then pediatrician. In a rare case, I might taste a 1/4 cup or less worth of some new juice or soda, but for the most part, the only non-calorie-free drinks I ever have nowadays are protein powder mixes and milk.
    I also no longer eat just because food is available. I eat if I'm hungry and if I can fit what's available into my macros/calories.
    I make it a habit to take steps whenever possible. Steps add up quickly, and I aim for 10k+ steps a day. Walking is such an easy form of exercise that I can easily fit into my daily routine. There's no excuse to not walk.
  • ashleyg2688
    ashleyg2688 Posts: 29 Member
    Changes I made:

    - drink more water
    - more mindful of portion size
    - weigh my food most of the time
    - read nutrition labels on things at grocery store instead of just throwing what I want into the cart
    - no junk food in house because i will binge
    - dream about chips instead of eating them
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I drink almost no soda now. I don't cut it out totally, but don't generally have it at home, just at parties and drink water at lunch now. I have never drank alcohol, so didn't have anything to cut out, there.
  • anseldelacruz
    anseldelacruz Posts: 2 Member
    I have substantially cut back junk food, alcohol, and sugars. I have become more conscious of what I'm eating. I have added more veggies, nuts, and fruits to my daily intake. I'm trying to reach about 3100 calories; trying to gain weight.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I use an IF schedule to keep my calories in check.

    I quit alcohol for health reasons. Mainly because 1 glass always seems to lead to 3, etc.

    I drink black tea with milk all day. I think this helps me with energy, happiness, and not eating mindlessly.

    I aim for 7/8+ servings of veg and fruit daily. This gives me tons of nutrients, keeps me very full, and really helps to keep the bathroom visits on schedule.

    My only macro focus is protein. I aim for 100 grams per day. However if my fat is low I seem to get cranky.

    I have been challenging by body this year. First I did yoga for 30 days which was beautiful and strengthening and which taught me how to breathe. Now I'm doing push ups for 30 days. And this obese girl can now do 12 full body push ups. Woo hoo.

    And after all of that, if I want the damn cookie, I'm gonna eat the damn cookie. It just better taste good!