New.. Need friends

My name is heather and i am trying to lose a little bit of weight. I need friends for pep talks.. Motivation.. I have noticed i really don't have the will power on my own.


  • johnalker137
    johnalker137 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm John I've been been using this app for a good few months now and it's really good. Don't set your weight loss per week too high (it makes it difficult to achieve and easy too disappoint), I've set mine at 0.5kg per week. If you have a bad day (and I've had loads) don't beat yourself up, tomorrow's another day. So far I've lost 6kg, sounds great but I've another 27 to go
  • cinmarway42
    cinmarway42 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Cindy here :) good idea of John's to set weight at 0.5, mines still at 1.0 but am slowly losing it. I started over a week ago as have been with Weightwatchers but this is better with broader foods to scan, doesn't cost me $34.50 every month and easy to use. I even recommended this to my Dr who is going to tell her patients about it. Hope you do well Heather, I just have to work out how to navigate this community as wasn't sure how to introduce myself.
  • kjbrose
    kjbrose Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck Heather. I too like those on here who help motivate me. I do my best. Feel free to add me if u like.