
I've been yo-yo dieting for years I'm a pro at it. I've been staying pretty consistent for the past 10 years hovering right around 200 gaining and losing 5 pounds consistently. I just started weight watchers two weeks ago I was down to 196 and now I'm back up to 202! I am been following their diet to a T tracking everything and it's not working. When I was using my fitness pal app I was staying between 1350 and 1500 cal and I would lose half a pound to a pound and usually keep it off sometimes gaining it back. I am going back to just using my fitness pal app and ditching the weight watchers. Has anyone tried to do an illumination diet because I think that could be part of my issue because I always have stomach problems going on? This is been going on for years and I have taken a food intolerance test and of course all the good things that I should be eating like brussels sprouts cabbage those sorts of things they say I have a food intolerance to along with all dairy. Just wanted to see what everybody else is doing thinking etc.


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Do you mean the elimination diet? I have not done that myself, but might be a way for you to discover what you are intolerant to.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's a good thing to find what you're allergic to, if you are, but allergies has nothing to do with not losing weight. Losing weight is having a calorie deficit and sticking to it. Oh, and forget "good/bad" foods and foods you "should be eating" - I think that may be giving you the same adverse reactions as it gave me. Eat a variety of foods you like that don't make you ill, just eat appropriate portions.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I did an extensive 6 week elimination diet. My IBS and reflux were out of control and none of my usual treatments were working. Feeling constantly ill was a real challenge...when I feel ill I love McDonald's...not a smart choice!
    I worked with a naturopath, dietician and my doctor. In the end I had to cut out wheat for a year and half. It turns out that many people with intestinal issues can have trouble digesting wheat, as was the case for me. Fortunately I have since been able to return to a normal diet. I periodically find it difficult to eat certain foods but find I can return to them after a long absence. I once had to avoid strawberries for a year. Depending on your issues an elimination diet may help identify things that make you feel unwell.
    That being said, as the post above advised, if you eat the foods you know you can and stick to a calorie deficit you should lose weight.
  • fign8r
    fign8r Posts: 10 Member
    I don't have an answer for you.But I would like to share a little something.I've watched my mother yo-yo dieting for YEARS! she has tried out almost everything.she is now 61..Till this day she still struggles.What I've learned along the way is that our mentality plays a huge role.what we believe and confess with our mouths we bring about.though my mother has been trying & trying & trying,her belief is that she can't lose weight.she can't even visualize herself thin.Her "focus" is in the wrong place.I remember she would even place "fat photos" on the fridge to avoid eating off may I gently suggest changing the way u think about yourself.Visualize yourself the way u want to transform.speak nothing but positive consistent.stick to one program that works instead of trying this one day,and something different the next..Make sure your "why" or "reason" is strong enough to endure..How bad do u want it? there's no reason why anyone should not lose weight..even people with thyroid issues..i even watched a couple of my friends drop over 60lbs WITHOUT exercising. YOU can do it!