30 pound challenge



  • celiebeal
    celiebeal Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2017

    I'd love to lose 30 pounds by August! I just had a baby and unfortunately none of the weight left with the baby... lol. I'm down 7.5 lbs so far but my goal is eventually to lose 60 lbs.

    I used to be a personal trainer so if anyone has any questions or needs advice, I'd love to help!

    I'm looking for some motivation sooo joining a challenge seems ideal! :)
  • wanna_be_free
    wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
    sw: 227
    cw: 225
    gw: 199

    2lbs down 26lbs to go
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Yesterday was not my best. I was so sore from the lower body workout I did that I didn't do any walking or exercises. I did try to at least stay mobile by going to the store, some light house cleaning and throwing the football with my son. I try to only do one cheat "meal" each week, not a whole cheat day. So I chose homemade hamburgers, fried zuchinni and baked beans courtesy of my parents who invited us over because a big juicy burger just sounded a heck of a lot better than the pork tenderloin leftovers I had at home. Also my cravings were extremely bad all day and I stayed hungrier than usual because I didn't keep my protein up. Mexican food is my weakness and I wanted it so bad. So to trick myself so to speak, I had hummus and wheat thins and closed my eyes and imagined it being chips and salsa. News flash, closing your eyes still does NOT make wheat thins and hummus taste like chips and salsa...who knew?! But it did help curve my appetite for a bit.

    All that said, today is a new day and I already prelogged all my meals and my macros are kicking butt. I plan on taking a walk pushing my toddler to help loosen up these still insanely sore legs of mine. I hope everyone is still on track!! We can do this ladies!!!! Also I'm going to post a motivational quote each day. Feel free to share some of your favorite motivators and quotes as well!

  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    From September through December of 2013 I lost 30 lbs. I've since gained it all back and then a couple more. I'm ready to get back into it and lose that 30lbs for GOOD this time. So I'm in!

    SW: 193lbs on 3/17/17
    CW: 189lbs on 3/23/17
    GW: 163 on 7/1/17
  • Liane8
    Liane8 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join this challenge. I have always wanted to lose the weight but just never stuck to anything. Losing 30lbs would make a huge difference!
    SW: 179
    GW: 140

    I'm hoping this challenge will push me in the right direction. We can so do this! :)
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi I'm in with a bit of a twist. My birthday is July 5th but I really don't need to lose 30 lbs. 25ish would do it. Would be wonderful to finally be off this weight loss roller coaster. So if you'll have me my stats are:

    SW (for this challenge): 174.25
    GW for July 5th: 149.75

    My weigh-in day is Friday. I don't really expect to have a loss tomorrow as we've been on a bit of a vacation for the last little bit. I would be very happy with a SS (stay the same) tomorrow. We'll see.

    Thanks and good luck to us all.
  • kbonamission
    kbonamission Posts: 10 Member
    Inspirational quote for the day, "You can't leave footprints in the sands of time if you sit on your butt, and who wants to leave butt prints in the sands of time?" This is what I'm going to say to myself the next time my butt hits the couch before working out.
  • beckylynn03
    beckylynn03 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!!
  • ginapless
    ginapless Posts: 68 Member
    March 17th starting weight: 227.0 lbs

    March 24th: 221.0 lbs

    July 1st Goal Weight: 197.0 lbs
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Weigh in yesterday was better than I thought it might be. Down 3/4 lb. After a mini holiday I'll take it with pleasure.

    SW 174.25
    CW 173.5
    GW 149.75

    Here's to breaking 170 in the very near future.
    Cheers, Carol
  • crissy_13_2006
    crissy_13_2006 Posts: 12 Member
    cdkelly wrote: »
    I started my journey just this past Sunday and want to lose a total of 38 lbs by July so let's do this together!!

    Starting weight: 168
    Current weight: 164
    Goal weight: 130
    Total loss: 4 lbs

    I am trying to commit to working out for at least 60 min at least 5 days a week. So far I've done 4 days in a row. Today I really didn't want to but I forced myself to and so glad I did.

    As for food I'm trying to eat as clean as possible and trying to get all the proper amounts of nutrition...protein, fiber, carbs etc. However, calorie intake trumps that. So if I eat something not so healthy I'm not worrying about it or beating myself up about it. I'm just making sure I'm not going over on my calories and if I do then I have to work it off.

    What are you ladies doing? Should we check in daily or weekly to help motivate each other?
    We have the exact same start and goal weight! I want to join this group! Exactly what I'm looking for! I've got a wedding to be in in June and birthday in august ☺️ would love to be back in a bikini!
  • crissy_13_2006
    crissy_13_2006 Posts: 12 Member
    cdkelly wrote: »
    I like to weigh in daily too. Even if it's a few ounces lost it motivates me to keep going.

    Here's an update..
    Starting weight: 168
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 162
    Total loss: 6 lbs

    How's everyone doing!? We got this!
    How often are u working out and how many calories a day are u consuming? I hope I'm doing these post right? Posting is new to me
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Motivational quote time!!!

    "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"

    This is so true. It's a lifestyle change!!!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Weight update

    SW: 186 (3/17)
    CW: 184 (3/26)

    We got this ladies!!
  • cdkelly
    cdkelly Posts: 101 Member
    I haven't lost anything in 6 days. And that's wirh exercising half of those days and eating healthy and under my calorie goal every day. I thought for sure I'd be down today after going for a run AND doing an intense workout at the gym yesterday. But nope. I was up a few ounces.
    I know...keep going!....it takes time!....and I will
  • colleen1962
    colleen1962 Posts: 21 Member
    count me in!!
    start weight 167
    goal weight 135
  • ginapless
    ginapless Posts: 68 Member
    cdkelly wrote: »
    I haven't lost anything in 6 days. And that's wirh exercising half of those days and eating healthy and under my calorie goal every day. I thought for sure I'd be down today after going for a run AND doing an intense workout at the gym yesterday. But nope. I was up a few ounces.
    I know...keep going!....it takes time!....and I will

    I'll bet you that one day soon you're really gonna have a good drop overnight.

    If there's some water weight hanging on, try filling a big jug (think sun tea jar) with water, peeled & sliced cucumber, sliced lemon, and grated ginger. Let that soak in fridge overnight and start drinking that. Fill it up again for a few days, then do it over again. Makes me drop water weight, and tastes really refreshing!

    Plus "keep going!....it takes time!...." lol
  • krishnahari84
    krishnahari84 Posts: 61 Member
    I am in too :)
    SW March 25: 225 lbs
    GW July 1: 195 lbs

  • resdale81
    resdale81 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too!!I have been trying to lose 30 lbs for years. I have gained so much weight around my stomach. I want to be fit, happy and healthy for the summer.
    Sw: 147 lbs
    Gw: 117 lbs (I am only 5ft 3)
    Good luck ladies xx
  • crissy_13_2006
    crissy_13_2006 Posts: 12 Member
    cdkelly wrote: »
    I haven't lost anything in 6 days. And that's wirh exercising half of those days and eating healthy and under my calorie goal every day. I thought for sure I'd be down today after going for a run AND doing an intense workout at the gym yesterday. But nope. I was up a few ounces.
    I know...keep going!....it takes time!....and I will
    It could be a small weight gain from muscle too! Keep going! U can do this! I remember when I lost 30 before I hit a barier weight and just had to be super persistent