What was the most motivational thing said to you when you started?

In a gym class, before I started MFP and going back to seriously dieting and working out someone told me this that put things into perspective:
All I want from you is your 100%. You just have to remember that your 100% today is not the 100% you had yesterday, or will have tomorrow. If you give your 100% everyday, regardless of where it is, I will be proud of you.

This quote might be a little bit more applicable for group work outs, but thought it might help someone out there.

Please share something motivational that was said to you when you first started trying to lose/gain weight. I feel like everyone can get a little of their own boosts that way :smile:


  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    Enough is enough! I was at a church service and this Pastor told me that he had a message for me. (I'm skeptical with these things) however, he told me that Enough is enough. He said, " I'm not sure what that means but you will know what it means". From that day forward, that small phrase has stuck with me. I'm not a religious person, however, this phrase that he spoke was true for me.

    It was like a switch in my cognitive precept that changed.
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    All things are possible if we believe. Determination is a mind set that gets the ball moving.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    It's okay to fail sometimes
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    we all end up having 3K days, just go on. Don't cut more, don't give up, forget about it.