Its time for change! Get up and go!

Whether you are a newbie or a have been working out for a while, this community is for you. We are a judgment free zone, that offers motivation and support to help build muscle, lose weight, or whatever your goal may be. Feel free to add me as a friend and post a little about yourself and what you want to achieve.

This upcoming Sunday, March 12, everyone will be matched with their future Workout Buddy for life, people will be matched based on similarities such as if both would like to lose weight, gain muscle, etc.

Also this Sunday, March 12, we will have our first check-in. This will be a weekly task to display your current weight and size of various body parts. I will be keeping track of everyone's check-ins and posting them weekly as well to see how much you are progressing. We all may not see changes happening right away, but numbers don't lie!

The only person stopping us from achieving greatness is ourselves, but we all can use a little help on the way. So who are we? We are Workout Buddies for Life. Join the community,