The last 15 to 10 lbs to lose!

So I've come such a long way, 8 months and 43 lbs down! Starting weight was 209 current weight is 167 lbs and goal weight is 155. I hear the last 10 lbs can be so difficult to lose and I'm starting to get the picture. I've been weighing my food and tracking fairly well and the scale nor inches have moved in a month! It's so frustrating and I feel so demotivated. Any advice on losing these last few pounds would be greatly appreciated. I would post pictures if I only knew how :/. I was thinking of changing my diet up a little and maybe start going to the gym for heavier lifting and circuit training? Any thoughts on that?


  • dwrightlaw
    dwrightlaw Posts: 804 Member
    Congrats on the 43 lbs lost! That's awesome :) I am in a similar situation. I've lost 43 lbs & still want to lose 8-10 more. I understand how
    very frustrating it is to have almost no movement on the scale. I started weight training about a month ago, which actually made my wt go up a bit due to water retention, came back down but it's painfully SLOW
    I have been told that weight training is beneficial in the long run bc muscle increases metabolism??
    I keep plugging along & I like feeling strong. Just keep at it, you can get there!