Accountability Platypus

Singelli Posts: 40 Member
Okay, so the part about a platypus was simply to gravitate your eyes to this post.

*waves shyly*

Hello everyone! I've been trying to lose weight ever since I got married. Problem is, I'm a teacher who works way too hard and has little time to actually get things done. I spend all day confined to my classroom, and walking up and down student rows just doesn't cut it. I also can't cook, and can't afford the good stuff to cook with anyways. My husband works nights, so we pretty much see each other in passing as we move between sleep, jobs, and our few relaxation hours.

This lifestyle is detrimental to my health! The last two months of the past school year, I gained 20 pounds in 3 months, and I can't be more ashamed or disappointed with myself. We were eating so much fast food that the gain was inevitable.

Every year when I begin teaching again, I tell myself I will set a workout schedule and eat healthy. And every year... I keep this schedule for 2 weeks to 2 months, before I feel overwhelmed, compromise a few times... and end up quitting altogether (using a slew of excuses).

I don't get much support from my husband. The time he's at home, he spends playing video games, and no matter what I do, I can't get him to work on his weight and overall health. I was letting that pull me down for the longest time, and I'm tired of letting my own health decline because of it.

I'm not... obese or excessively overweight. I've got a beer gut though, and I want it to be gone. It's so embarrassing when my students ask me if I'm pregnant, or when my clothes simply don't fit. Most of all however, I'm concerned for my health.

This place looks so supportive. An online friend told me about it, so I've been here for two days, and I love what I see. I really want to make the most of this place, so I'd love a buddy... someone I can talk to, someone who will support me, and someone who will wag their finger and nag me when I slack or make excuses. Show me the ropes!

Thanks, and God bless. :)


  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Let's do this, Kelli! I am sending a friend request now. That was a gracious introduction. The one thing I am wondering is if you can work some exercise into your weekends and disguise it as fun, such as a bike ride or walk in a local park. Also, rather than an elaborate schedule, consider small changes changes one at a time. (For example, what is you squeezed in a 15 minute walk before work two days a week, just to start?) Of course, this is all easier said than done! Nonetheless, I will be cheering you on!
  • Hevenerk
    Hevenerk Posts: 48 Member
    congrats on taking the first step of joining the site and setting a goal.
    I try to be very supportive of all of my friends on here because i know how helpful that can be.

    Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • Singelli
    Singelli Posts: 40 Member
    Well thanks so much Subcontinent! I was wondering if we get notices when our forum threads are responded to, but I see that we don't. I'm glad I stopped by and found this again!

    I would love to go for bike rides or walks in the local park, but it's a little difficult because I live in a very urban city, and it happens to be quite dangerous. It's actually rated the 3rd or 11th most dangerous city in the USA, depending on what resource you use. However, I DID recently move a little further away from the concrete, so maybe that will actually be an option!

    I don't know if 15 minute walks will really cut it for me, so my goal is to do at LEAST a 30 minute jog on the treadmill every day, along with some TapouT program I bought.

    Any ideas on how to make it all easier? Other ways to motivate? Your eagerness and cheerful attitude have already got me hopeful! I guess by your picture, you go hiking? Kidnap me and take me along? I'm so in love with nature, and I miss that lifestyle so badly!
  • ashleyxxxo
    ashleyxxxo Posts: 41 Member
    I know how hard it is to stick to a plan and lose weight and keep it off! I gained weight in my undergrad and have been working to get it off since-- finally did. It is definitely important to stay motivated. I really want to start a fitness group up to help keep others motivated and keep each other accountable on a daily basis. I absolutely love helping and supporting others like people did for me during my weightless. I just would love to give back. Give me a message if you would like help and are at all interested.
    Regardless, keep pushing:) You got this girl!
  • Singelli
    Singelli Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm really liking it here so far, and I'm stunned by the level of activity! This site has quickly become my most visited over the past few days and I feel so motivated! I only hope that motivation doesn't dwindle, as it has in the past. People who will check up on me and nag me are still welcome!
  • swisseler
    swisseler Posts: 119 Member
    I must say that the platypus ploy is quite effective. Feel free to add me as a friend. I love helping others succeed.

    I recommend small changes in your lifestyle. One thing hat helped me get started was that I wasn't focusing on exercise too much at the beginning. I just tried to do a little bit (15-20 mins) every other day or so. After a while, i was hooked. the weight loss is exciting, and the MFPers are so motivating that now I'm exercising every day, although some days it's just for 20 mins. You can also lose weight just by limiting calories, although it's more fun with exercise. Another recommendation is to try to be creative. Try walking to the grocery store (although I worry for your safety).

    One thing that makes it easier for me is to allow myself to celebrate every victory, no matter how small. You lost 1/2 a pound? Yay! You were on the treadmill for 15 mins? You're on your way to fitness. You can do this!
  • Accountability Platypus reporting for action! lol!

    Welcome to MFP, and best of luck on your endeavors! My best suggestion to you is this, if you can't be as active as you'd like, focus on the food. If you can afford to buy fast food, you can afford to buy good fresh food too, and it really isn't too hard to cook/prepare. You can find lots of help with recipes and meal planning on here. You can do it! :-)