Digestion changes (Maybe a TMI thread)

So I've been on and off the wagon for a while.

Recently, I started a journey that will hopefully result in me losing 130 pounds and hitting my all-time ideal weight. I'm starting a workout program in April which is pretty high intensity. Right now, I've changed my eating habits and have been calorie counting, which has been a pretty drastic change from what I'm used to.

The change in what I eat hasn't been too bad yet. I haven't had a ton of cravings, though I know they'll come. What's really bothering me is how much my digestion has changed. I don't mean to be too TMI here, but I feel as if there is constant shifting going on inside of my stomach and my restroom stops have increased quite a bit. The moment I'm done doing that though, I feel like everything is shifting again within moments.

This is normal right? Eventually it will stop? It's kinda uncomfortable, but at the same time, my assumption is that my body is adapting to the changes. I'm currently 324 pounds and only down 6, and I was wondering if there's a stage in weight-loss where this discomfort is going to be normal, and when it might go away.


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    If you've added substantially more fiber to your diet this could be causing it. Any drastic change in diet can cause temporary gut issues as your gut bacteria adjusts, and yes your body will adjust.
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    edited March 2017
    For me the first probably two weeks are a little...odd. After that my body adapts and things get better than before, especially if I eat a lot of vegetables, greasy food still wreaks havoc though. Hang in there!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Cruciferous vegetable can also cause discomfort if you are just starting to eat more. I would suggest starting with smaller portions and building up. Making sure you drink plenty of water also helps.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    I'm also having issues. I think it is the kale salad that is causing my poo to be a bit dark green and very odiferous. I don't know if true but it seems to me fiber and vegetables are kinda good and it is worth a bit of extra poopourri to stay full feeling while trying to lose weight.