I want to lose a little fat but not weight, should I be on calorie deficit?

Hi everyone! I'm 22, 161cm, 48 kg. I have some fat around my hips and legs moslty which I want to get rid of and be leaner. My BMI is 18.5 which is on the egde of underweight according to the calculators. I don't really care how much the scale shows, as long as I look lean and don't bulk up. So to burn that fat do I need to cut my calories, or 'maintain' and eat just as I need? I'm afraid if I'm not on a deficit my muscles might get more defined but the fat on them will stay and they'd look bigger. But I also feel it's kinda wrong to want to lose weight at 48 kg.

I'm beginning to follow the IIFYM food 'plan', My TDEE is 1600 kcal for 5 workouts weekly. I do 3 weight lifting workouts at home (Jen Ferrugia's guide) and 3 HIIT. I started only this week tho.
I'd really appreciate any insight because I'm very confused. Thanks!


  • magipotam
    magipotam Posts: 4 Member
    I honestly had no idea this was a thing, I thought everyone wanted to either lose or gain weight. Thanks so much for your reply, I'll read the topic.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    you have no fat to lose
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Are you sure your goals are realistic and healthy?
  • magipotam
    magipotam Posts: 4 Member
    I guess you are judging from my profile picture and my weight but it might be a bit misleading. I'm only 161 cm 'tall'.
    From the waist up I'm quite thin, however my hips are very squishy and soft. I'm not saying I'm fat or anything, but I'm definitely not the leanest person out there. I guess it's called skinny fat or something like that.

    Here is a picture of a part of my body (I don't have a mirror to use) - http://imgur.com/a/hFsTu
    I suppose here it's visible that I have fat around my hips.
  • JRiveraRodriguez
    JRiveraRodriguez Posts: 71 Member
    magizela wrote: »
    I guess you are judging from my profile picture and my weight but it might be a bit misleading. I'm only 161 cm 'tall'.
    From the waist up I'm quite thin, however my hips are very squishy and soft. I'm not saying I'm fat or anything, but I'm definitely not the leanest person out there. I guess it's called skinny fat or something like that.

    Here is a picture of a part of my body (I don't have a mirror to use) - http://imgur.com/a/hFsTu
    I suppose here it's visible that I have fat around my hips.

    I understand you dont want to bulk up but maybe consider eating at maintance and doing body weight exercises to tone up, this will be your best bet in getting rid of "skinny fat" and looking much leaner without dipping too low in body weight
  • 06cindy
    06cindy Posts: 81 Member
    Building muscle will help reduce the squishy parts. Also, your pics look like you are already very lean (even your hips).