Salad again?



  • dustedwithsugar
    dustedwithsugar Posts: 179 Member
    I don't really eat salads, maybe sometimes as a main meal loaded with stuff like nuts avocado and faux meat or tofu. I much prefer cooked veggies, especially sautéed. Broccoli rulez lol
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I also don't eat salads often. Salads have been the "but I don't wanna" food for losing weight probably since before I was born
    The good news is, don't wanna, don't hafta. If you want to easily work a variety of vegrtables into your diet, hit up the freezer section of your supermarket. A bazillion different vegetables, vegetable blends, sauced or no, cut, cleaned and ready to heat up. Pop them into a pan or the microwave or whatever. Easy peasy.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I developed a taste for salad somewhere along the way and eat them 4-5 times a week. Because I love them. But I lost 90 lbs and rarely ate salad during that time so I don't see why it's necessary if you don't like them.
  • Natso29
    Natso29 Posts: 28 Member
    I can't stand salad so instead i do lots of veggies cooked with salsa (peppers, tomatoes, lots of black beans and white kidney beans, sometimes broccoli stems or green cabbage) and then add some cooked chicken to make it a meal lol i figure it's like a hot salad
  • Boland_D
    Boland_D Posts: 85 Member
    If I need greens and don't want a salad I'll
    -sautee spinach with garlic
    -make a smoothie and stuff in a bunch of greens
    - eat some sauteed veggies
    - or get them in with my protein+greens protein powder

    But if you want to start enjoying salads add your favorite toppings.
    My all time fav is either
    -Caesar without croutons and you could add a protein
    - Romaine, cabbage, black beans, feta, corn, onion, bell pepper and a low fat chipotle ranch
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    I've eaten salads almost daily since I was a kid. I like the taste and the crunch. Nothing too fancy but I do add grilled chicken or pepperoni to
    the salad to boost the appeal a bit. For me it's a low calorie filling item that I enjoy. Easy to prepare or pack for lunch and minimal
    clean up of dishes involved.
  • MikeDubya74
    MikeDubya74 Posts: 29 Member
    msr8898 wrote: »
    More specifically, what are your goals @MikeDubya74? Are you just trying to consume more veggies in general, or trying to get in more dark leafy greens?

    If you're just going for more veggies, just make foods you enjoy eating. I'm with @zachbonner_ on grilling your veggies. It opens up a ton of different ways to prepare them. If you're specifically trying to get more leafy greens in, I suggest trying to add more variety to the salad. There are a lot of different greens out there; you may find that by changing what greens you use in your salad, you find it more palatable.

    If that's doesn't seem to do it for you, it may be worthwhile to look into ways to slip greens into other dishes. Wilted greens are fairly easy to add to a lot of dishes, and are pretty good on their own. I slip in another 2 cups of spinach a day just by adding a cup to each of my protein shakes; it doesn't add much if any flavor, makes it easier to digest and actually enhances the overall texture of the shake.

    Great question - in general, I tend not to eat healthy, so I'm working things into my diet a little at a time to try and change that. I figured if I can add salad in 2-3 meals a week, that's 2-3 meals where I'm not eating something that I would likely consider unhealthy. Call it a start to a lifestyle change.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    msr8898 wrote: »
    More specifically, what are your goals @MikeDubya74? Are you just trying to consume more veggies in general, or trying to get in more dark leafy greens?

    If you're just going for more veggies, just make foods you enjoy eating. I'm with @zachbonner_ on grilling your veggies. It opens up a ton of different ways to prepare them. If you're specifically trying to get more leafy greens in, I suggest trying to add more variety to the salad. There are a lot of different greens out there; you may find that by changing what greens you use in your salad, you find it more palatable.

    If that's doesn't seem to do it for you, it may be worthwhile to look into ways to slip greens into other dishes. Wilted greens are fairly easy to add to a lot of dishes, and are pretty good on their own. I slip in another 2 cups of spinach a day just by adding a cup to each of my protein shakes; it doesn't add much if any flavor, makes it easier to digest and actually enhances the overall texture of the shake.

    Great question - in general, I tend not to eat healthy, so I'm working things into my diet a little at a time to try and change that. I figured if I can add salad in 2-3 meals a week, that's 2-3 meals where I'm not eating something that I would likely consider unhealthy. Call it a start to a lifestyle change.

    But you don't have to change to a lifestyle that you personally don't like! Eat your vegetables some other way :)
  • MikeDubya74
    MikeDubya74 Posts: 29 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I just can't do salads every day. I'm not a foodie, I don't get excited about eating rich foods. But I've been working salad in a couple of days a week for one meal. And I just don't enjoy it.

    What alternatives do you do for salad?

    What calorie count are you trying to stick to for this meal? Do you need no cook or low prep food ideas? Are you looking for vegetable/meatless dishes? More information might lead to more helpful suggestions.

    I eat food I like that fits my calorie goal.
    Breakfast might be yogurt, cottage, dinner leftovers, fruit, a granola bar or a sandwich.
    For lunch I typically have dinner leftovers, a sandwich or a salad.
    Dinner I have all kinds of things. Usually soup once a week. Casseroles, pasta, tacos, pizza, stir fry, eggs, chicken, fish, etc.

    I find food ideas on pinterest.

    Thanks for the ideas! usually for a snack I'll have some fresh fruit cut up and mixed with greek yogurt, protein bar, or protein drink (I like the Premier Protein drinks or Pure Protein bars).

    My company covers the first $10 of our lunch, so it wouldn't be uncommon to order pizza or a burger from a local restaurant (Seamless is a fantastic thing). So, that's where the salads have come in to the picture in trying to change some of those eating habits.

  • MikeDubya74
    MikeDubya74 Posts: 29 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    I eat salad when I'm dumb enough to buy salad mixes when they're on sale, then they're about to go bad. I'm not a fan as I usually require more than just 'a salad'. Like bread, a salad is just a vehicle for other things to me. My mom will eat salad every day. Every day. Sometimes for lunch and dinner. We keep asking her where her rabbit ears and tail are.

    I'm a bit bemused as to why you're eating salad if you don't enjoy it, what is the goal behind this? Is it calories, is it nutrients? Is it just that salad is supposed to be healthy so that's what you're supposed to eat?

    @Afura - I can say there's really no rhyme or reason at this point. It's just a move to try to eat healthier and shed some calories and fat content from my diet. What I likely need is a nutritionist who can help establish a more regular diet given some dietary sensitivities. My salads are usually romaine lettuce, carrots, dried cranberries, a few croutons, and perhaps some walnuts. Dressing always on the side and never oil and vinegar. Usually it's a creamy dressing that I'll dip my fork into the into my salad.

    At 43 years old, I just don't feel good about how I look, how my clothes fit, how much effort it takes to keep up with my kids. So small steps in changing the diet, trying to do it the right way so I don't yo-yo on the scale and clothing.

  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    Do you make your own salads or are you buying them? Does the place that you get your lunch have the option of you picking and choosing what goes in to a salad? Could you take your own basic salad to work and have that with the burger, in place of the fries? Could you have the burger without the bun? I'm in the UK and have no idea what you'd pay for a burger etc, but could you let the company pay for that and you take in a salad to have with it? Alternatively, take in some additional ingredients to add to a salad that you buy with the burger.

    My salads usually have (iceberg) lettuce, cucumber, tomato and radish as a starting point. That gives volume of food to seem filling without adding too many calories. To that, I'll some ham, chicken or tuna. Sometimes I add a handful of pasta, sometimes olives or roasted courgette or artichoke hearts, sometimes half an avocado, sliced or diced - so each day my salad is slightly different. The artichoke and courgette comes in a jar in sunflower oil so, by default, I'm usually adding a teaspoon of oil that serves as dressing. If you can cut out the croutons, that'll help. Dipping your fork in to a creamy dressing possibly still equates to at least a tsp with your salad.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    My company covers the first $10 of our lunch, so it wouldn't be uncommon to order pizza or a burger from a local restaurant (Seamless is a fantastic thing). So, that's where the salads have come in to the picture in trying to change some of those eating habits.

    This, followed by you describing a typical salad for you makes it seem like you need some lunch alternatives and have a limited view on salads. I love salad and eat it often, pre weight loss me felt the same way. When I met my husband he felt salad could never be a main but he converted all on his own as he started saying there's no need to make these other items, just the salad is good. I also love a good side salad. Seriously, salad is kinda amazing as far as I'm concerned. None of that helps you with lunch though as you are looking at swapping fries for a sad side salad. If you don't enjoy those consider choosing a different main than pizza or burger a couple of lunches a week. Stirfrys and curries can be veggie packed and yummy. There are also some great salad places out there (depending on where you work) and subs and sandwiches can be loaded in veggies that can fill you up and help with changing habits.

    All that to say, when I go out for a burger I don't typically get fries, I normally upgrade to yam fries or onion rings because yum. But I do also go out for salad, curry, Thai, sandwiches, salad rolls, and so on. So maybe instead of changing out your fries you might find it more enjoyable to add some alternatives to your lunch routine.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I avoid salad mostly because the calories add up too fast for what you get, and I'm a suckered for creamy ranch and Bleu cheese dressings. I like to eat it, but usually can't "afford" it. I do make a bbq chicken salad under 500 calories that I love, but otherwise I stick with meals that are usually a meat, a carb, a fat, and 1-2 servings of veggies. It's just plug and play from there.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    For me, a salad can be a great way to use up leftovers and can have almost anything: for example, yesterday I had a couple of pounds' worth of fingerling potatoes, just on the verge of turning. I tossed them in the microwave together with a very shallow layer of flavored up water. Tossed this into a container with some packaged greens, some sweet red and orange pepper which was also on the verge of feeling unloved, chicken, and toasted seeds from a butternut squash. Decided to add in some of the squash, too. Covered it, shook it around with some balsamic vinegar. Done.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I eat the salad. I love it. I just put whatever I'd want in a sandwich or burger, in a salad instead. Every lunch and dinner yo.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I eat the salad. I love it. I just put whatever I'd want in a sandwich or burger, in a salad instead. Every lunch and dinner yo.

    I just imagined a salad with iceberg, red onions, tomatoes, pickles, doritos and american cheese drizzled with ketchup and mustard. That actually doesn't sound half bad.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I eat the salad. I love it. I just put whatever I'd want in a sandwich or burger, in a salad instead. Every lunch and dinner yo.

    I just imagined a salad with iceberg, red onions, tomatoes, pickles, doritos and american cheese drizzled with ketchup and mustard. That actually doesn't sound half bad.

    Do it. I make a cheeseburger salad with ground beef, onion, mushroom, cheese, jalapenos and reduced sugar ketchup.

    I've also put porkrinds, avocado and chipotle sauce in my salad.