Why dont men

F4play Posts: 21
do more classes at the gym or is this a UK thing, i attend a combat class with 35 people ladies and me burns 800-900 calories in an hour yet i come out into the main gym and the guys are toiling on a running machine burning 200...???


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Maybe they're embarrassed? Even though it's a combat class (which sounds like it could be pretty masculine to me) I think maybe the idea of "what if I can't do it as well as a woman" is too much to overcome for most guys. Or maybe because there's usually so many women they figure it's a "girl" thing...
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I've noticed this at gyms in Indiana too. The classes seem to be mostly women, maybe because of the teamwork/communication aspects of a class rather than lifting weights solo or something...? I'm going out on a limb there but it's just a guess.