Exclusively Breastfeeding; calories for weight loss?

Hi, I'm Tiffany. I had baby boy # 2 via c-section on 6/7/13. His name is Jack, he joins big brother Sam (who is 5) and we LOVE him so incredibly much!! I only gained 13 lbs my entire pregnancy (WHAT!!) and already lost the baby weight plus a bit more. Since I am already extremely overweight (need to lose 85lbs to get to goal) I am SO proud of that :). I am back on MFP, exclusively breast feeding and in need of how to get an accurate calorie intake count for an EBF Mama, in order to lose weight?? Please friend me! I am need of support and motivation! :).


  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    There is an ebf option in food- it adds 500 calories to your day.
    Thanks Rosy!
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Hi there, I also have a baby Jack (John, but we call him Jack) born May 24. :heart: For exclusive bf'ing you can add 500 cals per day, and to lose weight (1lb per week) you need a deficit of 500 cals per day. So rather than have one more thing to log daily, I just set my MFP goals to "maintain current weight" and I have been losing very consistently. I'm currently about 8 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight and have about 20 more to go, so this is what is working for me for right now anyway.

    Good luck, and congratulations! Sounds like you're doing great! Feel free to sent a friend request if you like. :smile:
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    LLLI recommends no less than 1800 calories per day for an EBF mother of a single baby (i.e. not multiples). A lot of people add the 500 calorie deficit to their food log daily or to their exercise log. You can also just adjust you daily calorie goal if that works better for you. I needed that daily reminder to eat those calories so I got enough calories for me and enough to produce milk. Also, listen to your body and baby. If you are struggling to make enough milk up the water and up the calories. If all is going well, then you know you are okay. I am not currently nursing, but I have nursed all 7 of my babies including my twins which I recently stopped nursing when they were 16 months old. Feel free to ask any questions if I can help. :)

    Edited to add - You are doing amazingly. I always gain lots of weight with my pregnancies and it takes me about 9 months or so to get it off. Way to go you!