Looking for some "Friend" support

Evening all.

Ive been a member for over 2 years now. When I first joined I was totally committed, and lost 10lbs in a few months, but since then ive been on and off, and have ended up back at my start weight.

Really struggling for motivation (my reflection, depressing as it is, isnt enough) and feel that I need one or two "friends" on my app that can give me a touch of support when I need it.

Ive reviewed my calorie goal and put it at something sensible, as I think that will help a great deal.

I know what my weakness is.... Beer... At night.... Not only for the calories in the beer, but the munchies that it creates!!! Im drinking a Stella as we speak, knowing that ive only a few bottles left and there wont be anymore purchased after this!! (That should be a start).

At the moment I have a lot going on personally, my 4 month old son was born with an impreforated *kitten* (no bum and bowel issues) so he requires multiple operations (he's just had his second), so my mind isnt always on the right frame! Plus we have a 4 year old daughter (about to have her tonsils out) so home can be stressful; beer at night!!

As for myself, ALL my weight is from my "moobs" to my belly, ive a Pear shape, thin legs, arms... It just all sits on my hips and belly...

Soooooooo..... Back to the post, looking for a couple of people who will be active with me through the app, giving me some stick and a bit of motivation!!! Anyone who can help od appreciate, please feel free to add me!



  • fattydarren
    Big thankyou for those who have added me.

    I have only added a few, so please do not think I didnt appreciate the requests if I did not add you.
