Teen losing 150

Hi! I'm 18 and looking to lose 150 pounds! I am a high schooler and want to be a nurse! I can't be an obese nurse so I'm going to work my butt off, literally! Looking for other people looking to close a lot of weight!


  • sarchrithe
    sarchrithe Posts: 4 Member
    You got this girl!
  • valeriesanti3456
    valeriesanti3456 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2017
    I want to be a nurse too and lose some pounds 40 lbs at least :)
  • Sloonsfoot3
    Sloonsfoot3 Posts: 18 Member
    I added you, I too am trying to lose a bunch of weight! I do a lil bit of meal prepping now and just got into doing some ymca classes!