Does it matter what time you eat?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I also think this might be a mental thing too. I never kept food at work so if I was hungry...too bad. Now, I have a full breakfast, lunch and snacks at my disposal. I find myself wanting to eat everything all at once.

    So, eat everything at once and see how that works. Some people do better on one or two large meals. I can't eat little snacks all day - I have to feel full a couple times a day, that's why I've evolved to that two big meals and one tiny snack routine I posted earlier.
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    OP, how long has it been since you reduced from your previous caloric intake of @ 3000 per day to your current 1350-1500? Did you do it gradually or all at once?

    I started this way of eating about 1.5 weeks ago. The first week or so I was eating less than 1200 calories...that didn't feel good at all so I decided to go up to 1350-1500/day depending on my activity level.
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I also think this might be a mental thing too. I never kept food at work so if I was hungry...too bad. Now, I have a full breakfast, lunch and snacks at my disposal. I find myself wanting to eat everything all at once.

    So, eat everything at once and see how that works. Some people do better on one or two large meals. I can't eat little snacks all day - I have to feel full a couple times a day, that's why I've evolved to that two big meals and one tiny snack routine I posted earlier.

    Yes, that is a good idea. Maybe 2 bigger meals a day and an evening snack.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I also think this might be a mental thing too. I never kept food at work so if I was hungry...too bad. Now, I have a full breakfast, lunch and snacks at my disposal. I find myself wanting to eat everything all at once.

    So, eat everything at once and see how that works. Some people do better on one or two large meals. I can't eat little snacks all day - I have to feel full a couple times a day, that's why I've evolved to that two big meals and one tiny snack routine I posted earlier.

    Yes, that is a good idea. Maybe 2 bigger meals a day and an evening snack.

    This is exactly what I do. I eat a brunch and early dinner this gives me more calories for larger portions plus room for 1 or 2 snacks.

    If I eat breakfast I tend to be hungrier throughout the day.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    The only things that matter about meal timing are that it keeps you within your calorie goal and it's sustainable for you.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I eat two meals a day too! It works for me.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I also think this might be a mental thing too. I never kept food at work so if I was hungry...too bad. Now, I have a full breakfast, lunch and snacks at my disposal. I find myself wanting to eat everything all at once.

    So, eat everything at once and see how that works. Some people do better on one or two large meals. I can't eat little snacks all day - I have to feel full a couple times a day, that's why I've evolved to that two big meals and one tiny snack routine I posted earlier.

    Yes, that is a good idea. Maybe 2 bigger meals a day and an evening snack.

    That's what I try to do...or have small breakfast, small lunch, large dinner, snack. The earlier I start eating in the morning, the hungrier I am all day long so I also try to push back that first meal.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    OP, how long has it been since you reduced from your previous caloric intake of @ 3000 per day to your current 1350-1500? Did you do it gradually or all at once?

    I started this way of eating about 1.5 weeks ago. The first week or so I was eating less than 1200 calories...that didn't feel good at all so I decided to go up to 1350-1500/day depending on my activity level.

    Likely a big part of your hunger issues is because you suddenly cut your intake in half from what your body is used to. Maybe try smaller increments of caloric decreases and give your body time to adjust. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. ;)
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    Today I'm going to try and eat a small snack around 8:30 AM (hard boiled egg) and lunch around 12-1. Small snack around 3 (cherry tomatoes) and dinner at 5ish. I've also reserved 300 calories for my late night munchies :-) We'll see how it goes!
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    @shhchershhcher day 2 of eating a small breakfast at 8ish, lunch at 11:30, small snack at 1, dinner at 5ish and a big snack at 8ish. This method is totally working for me! I am not feeling overly starving at any point. I'm going to keep at it for another week or so and see if anything changes.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Sounds like you found your solution! For what it's worth, I found that I got ravenous between meals for the first few weeks of weight loss, because my body had become accustomed to a slight calorie surplus, and a 600-calorie deficit felt like starving. After about three weeks, I adapted and that nuclear pit of hunger became ordinary between-meal hunger; I was much happier.
  • HGarcia1527
    HGarcia1527 Posts: 69 Member
    Nope. This is one of the biggest myths. But I wouldn't suggest eating right before bed because if can cause you to feel sluggish the following day.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I drink an 8oz glass of water at 6am as I'm getting ready for work. I pack breakfast (usually a piece of bread, hard boiled egg and piece of turkey bacon) - heat it up around 8:45ish at work and eat it slowly drinking my coffee and water in-between bites. I try and make my breakfast last 30 min. to eat (working while eating too). I eat a snack around 11 (grapes or carrots) and my lunch around 12:30 and another snack around 3:00 ... dinner is around 5:30-6. I brush my teeth at 8 with my daughter so I don't feel the need to snack when my husband does!

    I just moved my schedule to one similar to this. I get up at 6, breakfast at 8:30, snack at 11, lunch 1:30, snack at 4:30, Dinner at 7-7:30. I am rarely hungry with this plan, which seems like a first for me :)
  • jenbeck18
    jenbeck18 Posts: 32 Member
    Hm. Have you tried prelogging your entire day?

    This really helps me!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Nope. This is one of the biggest myths. But I wouldn't suggest eating right before bed because if can cause you to feel sluggish the following day.

    Why would it do that?

    I can eat right up until bedtime with no issues. The only people who should refrain is those who are out of calories for the day and those for whom eating before bed gives them digestive issues such as heartburn.

    For everyone else, timing of the food is irrelevant and should be based solely on personal preference. :)