keto diet



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I just struggle with loosing weight and then keeping it off.
    I did slimming world and lost a stone then couldn't loose anymore, I have now gained a lot due to overeating with stress.
    So I am just looking to lose weight and my gym suggested keto diet.

    The Keto diet is a rather extreme diet and unnecessary for the vast majority of people who try it. Have you tried MyFitnessPal and counted calories?

    I have in the past and do ok however my carbs always take up ridiculous amounts of my calories which is partly my reason for debating the keto diet

    If eating a diet higher in carbohydrates is what is naturally more pleasing to you, maybe try just controlling the calories.

    Carbohydrates, in and of themselves, aren't bad. You just need to make sure they aren't crowding out the fat and protein that your body needs and that they aren't causing you to consume excess calories.

    If a higher carbohydrate diet is what you prefer, keto may not be a sustainable choice for you or one that will make you happy.
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I just struggle with loosing weight and then keeping it off.
    I did slimming world and lost a stone then couldn't loose anymore, I have now gained a lot due to overeating with stress.
    So I am just looking to lose weight and my gym suggested keto diet.

    The Keto diet is a rather extreme diet and unnecessary for the vast majority of people who try it. Have you tried MyFitnessPal and counted calories?

    I have in the past and do ok however my carbs always take up ridiculous amounts of my calories which is partly my reason for debating the keto diet

    You might consider just lowering carbs. You have all of the control. So just eat less carbs and up your protein and fats to hit your calorie goal.
  • krmthomas
    krmthomas Posts: 34 Member
    Avocados are a great source of fat but also fiber and potassium (which can be a challenge if you're eating keto) so I typically eat one per day (half per meal). Bacon and full fat cheese are great ways to add fat to veggies. Shredded coconut is another great one because it also has fiber just made sure you buy unsweetened. I add it to my fat bombs or to mug cakes. Last night's dinner I fried asparagus in bacon fat and topped it with grated Parmesan cheese and had roast beef with gravy. Dessert was a chocolate mug cake (I bake in the oven though where as most people microwave them) and topped with whipping cream sweetened with stevia and unsweetened shredded coconut.
    I've found that through eating keto I don't have as many cravings but I do still sometimes struggle with binge eating. I also like it especially now that I'm training for a 60km backpacking trip. I can hike for hours fasted and not feel tired or weak. I've also noticed that when I get hungry I don't ever get hangry.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I couldn't do keto as it's way too restrictive for me..however, my brother has been on it for over a month and is having great success. He eats a lot of butter, eggs, avocados...I'm sure you can find a whole world of ideas on Pinterest.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I came across this website yesterday and found it really interesting. Have a good look around it and the various diets and their rankings. Look at the foods eaten in the diets with the best results. It also ranks diets for specific medical conditions. It really is a great resource for a healthy eating plan.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I came across this website yesterday and found it really interesting. Have a good look around it and the various diets and their rankings. Look at the foods eaten in the diets with the best results. It also ranks diets for specific medical conditions. It really is a great resource for a healthy eating plan.

    No, it's not a great resource for anything. I understand you're passionate about your diet but your beliefs are often wrongheaded and not supported by robust science. A little less certainty is in order... don't you think? Or do you really believe you know what diet is best for everyone?

    OP, I've been eating a low carb diet for a little over five years now and my only regret is I didn't begin eating this way twenty years ago. Try it and see how you make out and then you'll know if it's something you respond well to and can sustain or not.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I came across this website yesterday and found it really interesting. Have a good look around it and the various diets and their rankings. Look at the foods eaten in the diets with the best results. It also ranks diets for specific medical conditions. It really is a great resource for a healthy eating plan.

    No, it's not a great resource for anything. I understand you're passionate about your diet but your beliefs are often wrongheaded and not supported by robust science. A little less certainty is in order... don't you think? Or do you really believe you know what diet is best for everyone?

    OP, I've been eating a low carb diet for a little over five years now and my only regret is I didn't begin eating this way twenty years ago. Try it and see how you make out and then you'll know if it's something you respond well to and can sustain or not.

    So having a balanced diet that does not eliminate any food groups and is full of wholesome natural foods is not robust science? So it is just a myth that countries that follow these kinds of diets (think Mediterranean) live longer and suffer fewer health problems than Western society diet? This website was put together by experts in the field who properly researched all studies in relation to different diets. There are many solid references throughout. How is that not robust science?

    By the way if you actually bothered to properly look at the link you would have discovered that there were different diets to suit different health needs because there is never one perfect diet for everyone.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I love olives, houmus, tomatoes, veggies, but on the other hand

    Try a google search for mediterranean diet fallacy