Developing problematic relationship with food.



  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Part of owning up to "i f'd up" is logging the gory details. Logging 1400 just for a bag of chips one day and 1600 for a normal fast food combo another day has really helped me avoid regular repeats, the chips just aren't as appealing when I'm walking by the chip aisle.

    If you are hitting the gym, you are getting exercise and aren't the typical sedentary person. For people like me who aren't going to the gym, I walk around the block in the AM and get over 1000 steps in about 10 minutes, then force some walking during the day, then a longer block walk at the end of the day. If you were doing less than 1k before (like me), try 3k steps as your daily goal. I suggested 6k in an arbitrary way.

    Don't stress out about this, just have your plan and keep working it.
    Koldnomore wrote: »
    @Theo166 I try to log but quite frankly I know I 'fuc*d up" so half the time I don't bother trying to figure out how many calories I went over by..I went over and I've been at this long enough to know that it was by at least 3-400 calories a day. My diary is perfect until I leave work then comes dinner and my evening binge - It's the same every single day.

    If you can propose to me how I am to 'fit in' 6000 steps while I am at my desk (and not able to just causally go for a stroll) I'd be happy to hear it. I do 3000-4000 and believe me I take many bathroom breaks just to get the steps. Here is my day (if all goes well)
    5:20 wake up, dress & walk to gym
    6:00-6:45 gym
    6:45-7 shower/change/go meet my ride
    7-8 drive
    8-5 work (I walk for about half an hour after I eat lunch)
    5-6 drive home
    6-7 make dinner and eat
    7-9 make lunches for hubby/kids/organize gym clothes for next day, lay out clothing to wear, clean up, do dishes, wash clothes, cat litter, house work etc..Whatever time it happens to be when I get done everything for the next day I go to bed.
    If I am unlucky I have to take the bus to work and cannot go to the gym because my bus comes at 6:12 and I need to actually shower and be ready for work before I catch it. I wake up at 5 on those days and get off the bus early to walk a little bit to work to make up for somthing. If my partner has to go away on business I can't go to the gym because the duties of taking my step-son to school fall to me and he has to be there by 7, clothed, fed and clean. I take him then I drive myself to work.
    I cannot wake up any earlier, the gym opens at 6, I am there as soon as it opens. Another gym is not an option because I car pool and would not have time to go to the gym and get to work by 8 am otherwise. Going after work is not possible because I do not have a house keeper or anyone else to do what needs to be done for the next day. So the only thing I am left with is my 30-45 minutes at the gym WHEN I can go and my 30 min walk WHEN I can take it (assuming I am not backed up with clients). I am not trying to be rude or make excuses - if I were I wouldn't be doing anything. As I said, I have the calories I have, I do as much as I can - this is my life. I have to fit it within them.

    @EuphonyChloeH I really wish I knew what was up. I try to think of some reasons but I don't have 'issues' with my life. I'm happy, I'm in love, I have a decently paying job..I'm not sick, not fat, not broke, don't have mental issues, don't have stress, FML there is NO reason, which annoys me to no end because I would love to have 'something' to look at to say..Here is why, but I don't. This is the frustration.