New to MFP, Frustrated, but Determined.

I've been eating anywhere from 100-700 cal below 1310 daily after the exercise adjustment (from my bodyfit armband). I weigh/measure everything (digital food scale). Is this enough of a deficit to keep me from losing? The 100-700 shortfall is with me trying to eat MORE calories to Get To my goal - which is difficult without eating things that push me over the numbers for sugar, carbs, fat, etc., etc. Not sure if it helps, but I'll be turning 50 in a week and a half - could my metabolism really be that screwed up? I've been at this for a long while, just not recording it - it's hard to eat more calories - face it, salad & chicken dont have that many ... and that's the stuff I prefer (while dear husband prefers PASTA and bread ... and hasn't gained more than 10 pounds in the past 20 years. I've got ~40 to lose minimum - I really want to lose 50. Thanks!

(got upset this morning, day six of logging, because I was UP .8#, but reminded myself that could just be water weight, and to average it over time ...)