Newbie mom☺

Hi,I am a mother of 3,a 9 year old,8 year old and a 6 year old...I never really had the time to focus on myself since i mainly put all my focus on my kids or others...I used to be ata healthy weight but letting go of myself and in deep depression i got to a weight that i find myself so hard to lose...I am at 246 now which for me personally i panic on how will i lose it,Ive been trying to do the calorie count on this app and so far so good,but at times i crave sweets


  • Louwho762
    Louwho762 Posts: 2 Member
    I am the exact same !! I also have 3 kids: 7,4,2. I have always been a stay at home mom til, a crazy situating with my husband changed everything, Im 5'7 and at my biggest was 267 when I started on Dec13,2016. Today i weighed in at 242. Its possible, do not panic !! It will take time. You can do this. I still have a long way to go. I have always been a horrible eater and barely moved, but now I hope to show my kids that being active and eating better is a more positive way of life for us all. Sweets is my biggest craving, I love chocolate ! I have started to eat a single square of Natural Dark Chocolate a day to help me curve my cravings. So far it has helped me. :smile: