Desperately need a support group!

Hi everyone,

Been back and forth on MFP. Most of the time I don't participate in the community but lately food has taken control and I'm finding less and less motivation to stay healthy. Would love to gain a good support system here, so feel free to add me! *facepalm for joining MFP for the millionth time*


  • fightforitmp
    fightforitmp Posts: 9 Member
    Hi :)

    Same here! I decided to come back on again today. It's been hard for me to stay on track with healthy eating and working out :neutral:
  • lithefeline
    lithefeline Posts: 8 Member
    @fightforitmp It feels good to hear we're in the same boat, it's a terribly frustrating process that I often don't like to share :s Mind if I add?
  • fightforitmp
    fightforitmp Posts: 9 Member
    Yea I know what you mean... and it's hard having to "start over"
    No I don't mind, go ahead.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Dont give up! This is a life long journey! 1 lb at a time... Focus on what you can control. both of you ladies got this! @fightforitmp and @lithefeline
  • healthylisa38
    healthylisa38 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm thinking about creating a group later tonight for support would y'all like to join if so please add me or message me with your email and I'll send an invite out later tonight
  • justthe8ofus
    justthe8ofus Posts: 3 Member
    I am back on MFP after a pregnancy and gaining back the 50 pounds I lost my first go around with this. For some reason I thought it would just come off
  • fightforitmp
    fightforitmp Posts: 9 Member
    thanks @laceybrobie :)

    Sent you a request @healthylisa38
  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    I'm back here again, always feel so bad for not keeping up with it. Looking to find more friends this time to get the community feel going. Happy to be added by anyone, i keep my diary public.
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Same for me. I've been off and on for many years and hopefully can lose the weight and keep it off. Anyone feel free to add me. I need friends and support!
  • MrsManago
    MrsManago Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone. Joining MFP for the 4th time! Mommy of two toddlers that I had back to back and I have about 60 lbs to get off. I could really use some MFP friends and encouragers, please add me if you don't mind :) Thank you!!
  • lithefeline
    lithefeline Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2017
    @laceybrobie: 1 lb at a time has always been helpful for me, thank you!

    @healthylisa38: Tried sending my email via messaging on MFP.. for some reason it wasn’t working. I would love to be a part of it though!

    @justthe8ofus: I know the feeling, it’s so frustrating. I forgot how much hard work it takes too :/

    @abideedum: I’ll keep my diary public too. I’m definitely down to fuel as much support as possible!

    @indigoblue9572: Added!

    @MrsMango: Added! The more friends and support, the better.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • healthylisa38
    healthylisa38 Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hey y'all I didn't get a chance to create the support group tonight I had dental work done this afternoon and came home and went to bed be on the look out for it tomorrow sorry again
  • chuck6w
    chuck6w Posts: 72 Member
    I just came back about a week ago. This will be my 3rd time. I'm really motivated to change my lifestyle and become healthier. Looking forward to encouraging each other.
  • loisbr
    loisbr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm just the same , track for a while loose a few pounds , feel good and stop tracking- this time thinks are different - the last few months I've piled on the weight since my dog died last September. So back tracking , and joined the gym this time. Friend request sent we can support each other
  • darbydxo
    darbydxo Posts: 9 Member
    Will add you- I've been on and off the site for years! I know how it is.
  • jillianash
    jillianash Posts: 97 Member
    Also coming back to MFP for the millionth time, gonna try to stick to it by participating in the COMMUNITY!!! Add me!!
  • BadMuddah
    BadMuddah Posts: 10 Member
    Hey all, yet another one doing the crawl back of shame. This is number three for me, I think? Just gave birth a month ago to baby number two and got about fifteen pounds I need off but it's definitely going to be work. I just want to feel good in my clothes again! Love if ya'll would add me! I need motivation for sure.
  • jimr5454
    jimr5454 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi .im jim ive been on this journey for 2 years lost 70 pounds and love the lifestyle . I would love make freinds here so please add me if feel like it .i run 3 to 5 miles a day on treadmill or reclined bike ... so maybe we can figure a way for you loose and tone whatever you want.i would love some support amd can offer my ofeas if your ever interested.
  • Yoyo_NoMAH
    Yoyo_NoMAH Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I'm Jojo. I have the same problem. I want to remain motivated, but food tends to take over. I truly have struggled all my life with my weight. It's a daily battle and most days with food, I've lost.
    Hang in there. Stay connected, read articles, and post your goals often, everywhere.
  • healthylisa38
    healthylisa38 Posts: 20 Member
    Y'all send me your email and I'll add you to my support group I just created today