On Orlistat and a low fat diet



  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    What an interesting discussion. My friend is on Orlistat and this info helps. Thanks!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I have lost around 20 lbs in 9 months with 2 months off for good behaviour so not bad... trying to pluck up the willpower to do a bit more swimming... I have now seen the Consultant and my GP confirmed that I had made an effort and lost some weight so fingers crossed. The pain is making life rather difficult and I am not the moaning sort. I also have a full time job so quite hard to contend with it all as driving not easy either. But, I will get there!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    good luck on not sharting...
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have now lost two stone and have been referred to the consultant. The gp would not do this before as I was so obese. X-rays done and appt tomorrow. The consultant has a great reputation so we shall see. I am still on the orlistat but being very careful. So far so good. More flexibility in the hip since the weightloss but sadly the pain is much worse...
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Just wondering, do you use a digital scale to weigh all your food, and measuring cups and spoons for liquids?

    I ask because when not on orlistat you seem to be in maintenance eating 1500-1600 cals which is low for a sedentary woman weighing ~200lbs.

    If you are not weighing your food I would recommend you start doing so, you should probably also reassess your calorie goal now that you have lost 20+lbs as your calorie needs will be less to lose at the same rate.

    Hope the results move you closer to the operation.

    It may be a good time to start working out how you are going to maintain your loss post op, during rehab, and into the future so you avoid further problems.

    Cheers, h.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks! Seeing consultant tomorrow for the next stage . He actually told me not to exercise for the moment but to try to lose around 2kg since our last meeting. This I have done... wondering whether to suggest waiting another 6 months to continue to lose weight but will take his advice...
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Hmm - well I did lose the weight but he still wants me to lose more and will review in March so looks like I will have to live with all this until at least July. Will see how it goes!