significant other with diabetes

Hello, my significant other was just diagnosed with diabetes. My father has diabetes as did my grandma as well as a couple of my uncles so I know that diabetes is a major risk factor for me and one of the reasons I am on MFP is to become healthier to avoid future health complications for myself. However, my significant other does not watch what he eats (he's not a huge glutton either just somewhere in the middle where he doesn't pay attention to what's going into his body). My question is what can I do to best support him? I want him to be healthier and lose weight and reverse his diabetes diagnosis. I know that he has to want it as well or it will not happen. I just don't know how to support him without sounding judgmental or downright mean. I do know that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone that doesn't want to take care of themselves and be around longer for me and maybe our future children Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    If you do the cooking, you can try to keep to any nutritional guidelines that best suit his diagnosis. But that's kind of it. You can only control you. It can be easier for him if you're both following similar nutritional guidelines, but it isn't required.

    If he wants to be healthier, he can start monitoring his food. If he doesn't want to do that, you both should probably decide how you want to deal with the consequences.

    I would also add that it isn't mean to say something like, "Hey, I'd kind of like to see you around for a long time, and I think you would too. And since we both have that concern, let's talk about how we can make that happen."

    Or you could just post pics of what gangrene looks like all over the packages of his favorite snack foods.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Hahaha gangrene pictures sounds like a good plan