Weighing less at night?

zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
My husband is tracking his weight daily and is confused by his numbers. He weighs more in the mornings (gone pee/#2, no food, just out of bed) than in the evenings (eaten food, drank water), a 1-2# difference. He asked if I knew why. I said, "Probably because you're a man."

How can someone weigh 2# less after consuming 5# worth of food/water? I understand about breathing and sweating, but THAT much loss?

From what he tells me about his meals, he's not eating a deficit.


  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I weigh less at 12pm than 8am always do

    He just needs to weigh a set day and time as your looking for a loss so in the end it will be goal
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited March 2017
    I don't know how anyone could weigh less at night, than in the morning after peeing. Unless he is getting up at night and eating/drinking. I think a different scale is in order.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I don't know how anyone could weigh less at night, than in the morning after peeing. Unless he is getting up at night and eating/drinking. I think a different scale is in order.

    Scale is fine. Weighs my 2# hand weights as 2#.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Is he eating a lot of fibre? maybe it's bowel movements
  • CassondraKennedy
    CassondraKennedy Posts: 229 Member
    The same happens with my husband! I figured it was a male metabolism thing because I sure as heck don't weigh less during the day...
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Weigh once a day at the same time and stop being so anal about it.

    What great advice for a person just starting to track their weight. "Please stop trying to learn about yourself."

    Still doesn't answer why he weighs less after putting in more weight.

    I agree with the stop obsessing comment. What difference does it make?
  • mcraw75
    mcraw75 Posts: 99 Member
    Does he weigh himself before bed or does he eat more after weighing in the evening?
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I notice that when I first wake up, my hands and face are more puffy than later in the afternoon. Maybe he has a little water retention overnight that clears up?

    I haven't done an evening weight check, but now I'm curious...

    And, yeah, curious and obsessive are two different things.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    The same happens with my husband! I figured it was a male metabolism thing because I sure as heck don't weigh less during the day...

    I'm lightest first thing in the morning, and I'm male.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    The same happens with my husband! I figured it was a male metabolism thing because I sure as heck don't weigh less during the day...

    I'm lightest first thing in the morning, and I'm male.

    Likewise, but I manage my hydration excessively perhaps. It can be as much as 8 pounds... I'm IVO 235 these days.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I weight my lowest in the afternoon/evening just before dinner. First thing in the morning, even after using the bathroom, I am always 2-4lb heavier than say 3pm. I eat my largest meal at dinner so for me it makes sense.

    Does your husband enjoy large dinners?
  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    This happens to me a few times a week (I'm female), but it's only usually workdays.

    During the week, I eat very little until the evening (500 or so throughout the day) but I drink a ton of water/coffee/tea whatever. My big meal is at night after a workout/walk so I'm eating dinner after 8pm most days. I don't know if it's the combination of the workout and dehydration, any sodium consumption hasn't had time to register, or something weirder. But most workdays I'm either the same weight or up to 1lb heaver in the AM (after bathroom etc) as I was before I went to bed.

    Also thinking about it, I rarely go #2 in the mornings...probably since my eating is shifted more towards the evenings. Maybe I just have more waste in my system so the weight doesn't come down right away.


  • TheRambler
    TheRambler Posts: 387 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Weigh once a day at the same time and stop being so anal about it.

    What great advice for a person just starting to track their weight. "Please stop trying to learn about yourself."

    Still doesn't answer why he weighs less after putting in more weight.

    I agree with the stop obsessing comment. What difference does it make?

    Because some of us aren't obsessed or paranoid, just curious.

    Watching the scale fluctuate 5 lbs or more helps me understand my metabolism and daily fluctuations, and most importantly to not freak out if the scale jumps up for a couple days after a change in habits. or jumps down when changing again.

    Great post.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Hubby weighs in the morning after peeing and #2. He weighs in the evening after supper, so he's got at least 3 meals in him and 1L of water. He ate 2 McGriddles, 2 Burger King original chicken sammiches, probably a PB cookie from Tim's (he didn't say but he usually has something while waiting for his ride home), supper (similar to what I had if you want to snoop), 8 wasabi ranch snapeas, 8 chocolate almonds, half a bag of low sodium potato chips (about 170 g, the bag is 255 g), and 17 arrowroot cookies yesterday. He may have eaten more after I went to sleep.

    It seems strange to him that he can eat/drink several pounds of food and weigh less, while having not consumed anything for 7 hours he weighs more. Yesterday morning he weighed 261.4, last night 259.6, this morning 260.2. Yes, the body fluctuates in weight, but how does it weigh less after adding weight?
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited March 2017
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    I weight my lowest in the afternoon/evening just before dinner. First thing in the morning, even after using the bathroom, I am always 2-4lb heavier than say 3pm. I eat my largest meal at dinner so for me it makes sense.

    Does your husband enjoy large dinners?

    That's not what the OP is saying, unless I am misunderstanding. The husband is weighing at night, before bed, and then in the morning, he weighs more than he did at bedtime.

    **edit...ok I misread. He is weighing sometime the evening before, but not at bedtime.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited March 2017
    zyxst wrote: »
    Hubby weighs in the morning after peeing and #2. He weighs in the evening after supper, so he's got at least 3 meals in him and 1L of water. He ate 2 McGriddles, 2 Burger King original chicken sammiches, probably a PB cookie from Tim's (he didn't say but he usually has something while waiting for his ride home), supper (similar to what I had if you want to snoop), 8 wasabi ranch snapeas, 8 chocolate almonds, half a bag of low sodium potato chips (about 170 g, the bag is 255 g), and 17 arrowroot cookies yesterday. He may have eaten more after I went to sleep.

    It seems strange to him that he can eat/drink several pounds of food and weigh less, while having not consumed anything for 7 hours he weighs more. Yesterday morning he weighed 261.4, last night 259.6, this morning 260.2. Yes, the body fluctuates in weight, but how does it weigh less after adding weight?

    Have him weigh right before bed. Nothing to drink afterward. (I actually thought you had said that earlier but I must have misread.) And then have him weigh again in the morning, immediately after peeing, no drinking anything. No clothes either time. I can't believe that he would weigh more, the 2nd time.