
My names Holly. I'm new here. I finally buckled down & exercised last night after about 2 months of being on exercise-holiday. Lol I went on a trip in February, and since then its been hard to motivate myself to get back into exercising. But I sure don't have a hard time eating- I even start looking for snacks when I'm not hungry, it's like autopilot or something- just go check out the fridge or cupboards. I don't want to keep that habit up!! I work-out at home, and in spring I want to jog cuz that really seems to burn fat for me. I just want someone to tell, "here's my workout for today, here's what I ate." Or "I didn't work out today because I was lazy," which would kill me, so I'd always be encouraged to exercise when I should! :) I'm not planning on intensely counting calories- what I've done before was just try to eat a reasonable amount & not overdo snacks because of the consequences. Please message me if you're interested! Thanks!